Dutchie Babies!!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2008
Reaction score
Owingsville, Kentucky, USA
Hey! I'm excited. I had to bred her out for her first litter, so I bred her over to my blue buck, because I didn't have a steel. Well here's a baby picture!!


And the Proud Mommy, Keisha.

I will get a better picture of the babies in a day or two. She's an 8 month old mommy, so I don't want to make her nervous. As you can sort of see, they aren't very well marked babies. One or two of them look decent the other three don't.
There's five! ANd I was wrong, I went back to my book and she was bred to my tort buck, he had gray behind him so I'm going to guess some of those babies will probably come out gray.


As you can see, they aren't marked terribly well and five isn't a bad first litter either. Keisha's mom, Amita's first litter was 6.

They are soo squiggly they wouldn't let me get a good picture!
OMG they are adorable I am so jealous!

I don't care that they're not marked well! Those little white feet with black legs!

Can you use them for the color they carry even if they're not marked well? Like as a brood buck or doe, bred to one who has good markings to get that color in the good markings?
two worse marked ones tend to produce the better marked offspring. half of my tort dutchie brood does are mismarked. Colby and Jules are both non showable, color down one arm, and they produced Lindsay who is one GORGEOUS little baby, she showed VERY well at her first show.

So I know Colby can throw gorgeous babies, Rachel and Syd are both grandkids of his. Rachel is another mismarked brood tort doe and Syd just won his first leg as a junior gray buck, Syd's mother-Neena(Kitty/Colby's daughter)-has decent markings and is better as a show doe over a brood doe for marked off spring.

I've got too many of my own lines. :) I've got two I need to add down here in KY, Steel buck and a different line tort buck- anyone got any?? LOL.
OIC--that's very interesting! My Tony has pretty good markings--just a little bit of one of his face spots runs onto his shoulder. Some of my favorites are mismarks--I think the white feet with dark body is really adorable, and a member here has a dutch with a Marylin Monroe-style spot on his face that's just too cute. (Snowyshiloh) I'm sure the genetics behind the markings are very interesting.
in eight weeks I will be caling you with a plain ticket number to put my new dutch on a plain.

:grumpy:I want a dutch so bad
"he had gray behind him so I'm going to guess some of those babies will probably come out gray."

Grey is agouti, so unless a parent is agouti it is impossible for agouti babies to be thrown :p A Shaded, unless agouti, whether it has an agouti parent or not, will not give agouti. Agouti can not be carried. I expect all black babies.

I was just wondering if she had had them, I have been so busy lately I have not had the mind to get on aim. We WILL be coming to lexington the 10th of decemeber *does happy dance* :p

Edit: I see two babies withlaced ears... but it is not possible untles the sire is a fawn/orange insted of real tort. Maybe tort in dutch is geneticlyfawn/orange like fawn lionheads are geneticly orange? It is 6 am so I am not even going to try to think this one out.

Please keep us updated with pics the next few weeks...it will be so fun to see their fur come in and the markings become clearer :)

Baby bunnies are just so much fun! And the Dutchies are are beautiful (not that I'm biased or anything...;))

They are gorgeous! So jealous. I tried to breed my dutch buck before but doe didn't get pregnant ..

Anyway congrats :) Hope you find great home for them and please keep updating with pics!
Gorgeous :) I would love to breed dutch and Bruce thought about it before going for the poles but everyone says they are so hard to get right for showing with I would want to keep all the mismarked ones lol

There ya go! Color you can see now! 3 blacks, 2 Grays.

And just so I dont' get too many genetics folks here, Here's a picture of Colby:


Yes, his father is tort and his sire is an all tort line. His mother has tort, gray and black.

Momma Keisha is a steel out of a blue doe and steel buck. Blue doe does have a few steels in her pedigree. I'd have to dig out Keisha's (Chris x Amita) and Colby's (Mogget x Jazz) to be sure.

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