Well-Known Member
Peneloppy was spayed back in February of this year. Some of you may remember that there were complications during her spay with her heart stopping on the table and then her experiencing gastric stasis afterwards and having to stay in the hospital for three days. Since then her coat is really dull. She's black so it should be nice and shiny, but it's matte looking and constantly shedding. Three times a week or so I get her out and brush her to keep the shedding under control. Any suggestions?
Her diet is unlimited grass hay, Manna Pro (1/2 cup daily), and produce three times a week (on brushing days...that's how I remember to brush
She is about 2 1/2 years old.
Her diet is unlimited grass hay, Manna Pro (1/2 cup daily), and produce three times a week (on brushing days...that's how I remember to brush