Beans, our Netherland Dwarf, has been drinking a lot of water lately. He just got over a bout of gastric stasis 2 weeks ago, but his overall behavior has been really good. His weight is a little high for a dwarf (3.9 pounds), so our vet told us to eliminate any treats for the time being and stick mostly to unlimited timothy hay and leafy veggies.
We have a small crock of water for him and normally he'll drink between a quarter to a half of it overnight. The last few nights, he's had the entire crock emptied and drinks a lot more throughout the day also. I have noticed that he's started peeing in a couple different spots other than his corner litter.
Could something be going on here?
I appreciate any advice.
Beans, our Netherland Dwarf, has been drinking a lot of water lately. He just got over a bout of gastric stasis 2 weeks ago, but his overall behavior has been really good. His weight is a little high for a dwarf (3.9 pounds), so our vet told us to eliminate any treats for the time being and stick mostly to unlimited timothy hay and leafy veggies.
We have a small crock of water for him and normally he'll drink between a quarter to a half of it overnight. The last few nights, he's had the entire crock emptied and drinks a lot more throughout the day also. I have noticed that he's started peeing in a couple different spots other than his corner litter.
Could something be going on here?
I appreciate any advice.