I have two Flemish Giants. Personality wise Conan my buck is a grump and Xena is rebellious. Sadly they are not cuddle buns but they are pretty friendly, especially towards my wife. If you lay down with them they come around, Xena licked me once and they like to jump on me on occasion. They accept pets, but won't really lay down next to me just near me. With a big bun your getting all the issued you do with a little one just bigger. When they destroy, its on a larger scale, when they rattle their food dish it resonates throughout the house. Picking them is wrong will scratch you up something awful, but luckily they nip, never bite.
Food wise, I guess I do things pretty economically since I buy bulk pellets and hay . A 50lb bag cost $12 dollars and lasts me 2 months, 50lb bale of hay coats me $12 and lasts 6 months, greens as treats cost $30 a month, and 4 40lb bags of wood pellet litter $16 a month. So to me its not all that costly for two big rabbits.
Personally I love the big rabbits. I enjoy watching them binky (it looks a lot more awkward with rabbits this size but still a joy), their bunny 500 are truly a thing to see, not fast but powerful. And the way they manhandle their toys is almost scary. Good luck with your search, I know for me its the bigger buns that capture my heart.