Drastic Change in Charlie's eating Habits

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I was thinking, Nadia, you should probably ask the vet if he/she would be willing to prescribe some metacam for you to keep on hand. Its the first thing our rescue gives to buns who stop eating, because if theyre having any pain they wont eat. Just an idea.

I hope Charlie is ok until morning. I'll be praying for him. I hope he poops overnight. It does sound like it could be a blockage though, just cuz of how fast it came on.

Let us know how tomorrow goes.
Well I haven;t slept all night long. I took a nap for a few hours at about 8am. Charlie is doing a bit better. For a long time last night I thought I would have to take him into the emegency vet.

He had no life. Layed in bed with me most of the night... and as a comparison, when he's on the bed he's usually doing 500s or digging. There was just no fight in him. I made him take some water and about 1cc of Critical Care. Also I smeared his paws with NitriCal since he hadn't eaten all day long.

About3 hours later, he perked up a tiny bit (this was at about 4am when I got up and cleaned their cage, reorganized their room, cleaned my bedroom...). I think the Nutrical cage him some energy, so he did a bit of moving around and ate a small small amount of hay. As soon as I saw that I started to relax though.

So he's had a tiny bit of hay - and for some reason he keeps eating newspaper. I've had to take it all away from him. He's done a couple mis-shapen poops, and some cecals got left behind, but at least things are moving.

So I am keeping my vet appointment today because it's too wierd that he has had this sudden non-eating twice in 2 weeks.Hope it's nothing, but so odd...

Wow, this is really strange. I know that some rabbits will eat newspaper and cardboard more when their stomachs are hurting them. I'm not sure what the cause could be for this, though. If the vet doesn't do it automatically, it might be a good idea to have a full blood panel done. Fecal tests to check for parasites/bacteria. Possibly an xray to check for abnormalities in the intestines.

Keep up with the Nutrical, just to help give him more energy.

Hugs for you and Charlie! Let us know how it goes at the vet.
Oh I hope our little guy is ok. I was worrying about him all night long.

Im glad he pooped a little. Thats encouraging. Let us know how the appt goes!
So the good news is that he has bad teeth - pretty intense spurs all along both sides of his lower jaw. So those were removed and hopefully all will be back to normal.

I'm such a worry wort. I can't take it. What will I do when I have kids??

Anyways, so molar spur bunny #2. I asked the vet what could cause it since they eat a ton of hay and lots of vegetables, but could just be a breeding thing. *shrug*.

So now the best case scenario would be that Misty and Charlie both get their spurs at the same time so that I only have to do one trip and maybe I will get a discounted price!

So my Bunny Bill officically skyrocketed as of today - they will cost me$200 every 2-3 months in teeth now. Crap.


Oh Nad, I'm so sorry for both you and the buns. Poor things.

So Charlie's were removed, so, you won't have to keep having his trimmed, but Misty's will, do I have this right?:?
Well, at least we know what it is now. Maybe you'll be lucky and Charlie won't need his spurs done as often. There's always hope.:)

Did you ask the vet about a possible discount? That's a lot of money and you'll be in there a lot.

How is Charlie feeling now? Is he feeling better or is he still woozy from the surgery?

(Oh, and AngelnSnuffy, the spurs were removed, not the teeth.)
Angel- just the spurs removed (trimmed). :) So he'll need to go back every time they grow back to get them retrimmed - same as Misty.

Angela - they didn't put him under to do the trimming. If they can get to all of them without giving them anesthetic, then they do it with me holding the bun down under a towel on the table, the vet with the little clippers, and the tech holding this tool that holds their jaw apart and the light scope thing. It's quitean orchestrated task. I'm a pro now. haha. If there are ones they can't get to then they would need to put him under, but usually, it's not an issue.

Charlie was calm and just stayed pretty still while they trimmed. Misty fights like a devil - the vet said she is the strongest bunny with the most fight in her that she has ever seen. lol.

So I'm giving him some time to get over the shock of having his first teeth trimming, and i'll wave some vegetables at him a little later.

So I calculated ... if I have to trim Misty and Charlie's teeth every 2 months for 10 years of their life... that's $10,000 approx.



wll at least you know what it is..believe me I know how awfully expensive dental problems are because of Beau.

So many buns have teeth issues.

Also I was going to say that he may not eat right away after the trimming as his mouth may still bother him from the procedure so he may need supplemental feedings too.
And, Charlie has stopped eating AGAIN.

Holy Crap, I am so tired of this! He's just slowed right down, is hardly eating again - we JUST did his teeth like 2 weeks ago not even. He went back to normal, and then yesterday - nothing.

So he's ben nibbling on hay this whole time and taking treats, so I've just watched and waited. Tonight he did a big smelly lump of cecals and now he's eating. He is stressing me way out. I have no idea what is going on with his stomach.

Very strange. Any chance that since she didnt put him under when she did it that she couldve missed a spur? I know those mouths are difficult to see into when the bun is awake and everything. I had never heard of a vet doing it without anesthetic before you mentioned it.

If it is, it could be something that might be grinding down on its own. Or if theyre coming back a little and he eats it could grind down. Keep him eating that hay as much as you can (and can you get a few different kinds in there as well?)

Prayers for you and Charlie. How stressful!


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