Active Member
Dopey has just been neutered and has stitches. Obviosly they don't make e collars for rabbits... but how do I prevent him from chewing or licking his stitches? I've caught him several times trying to lick himself and have stopped him, but I cannot stay up all night to watch him.l Also, should I beware of anything else to watch out for? Any adivce would be greatly appreciated
Ps. Dopey's stitches will be removed in 10 days.
So here is a new question... it's now been 2 days since Dopey's surgery, he seems to be doing fine...he's not really licking or picking at the stitches. He is eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom. But after reading a lot of posts and people's suggestion.... should I give Dopey pain medication? I called the doctor and he said it's not really necessary to give it to him, but the doctor did write a prescription for it (the doctor said they ususally perscribe med. if the rabbit isn't eating). I have not picked it up yet (I will tonight) so i don't know what it is, but they said it was a liquid med. I can't tell if Dopey is in pain, he's not as active as he was before... but the good news is, he's still giving me kisses and bonding with me. Does anyone have adivce on wheter or not I should give him the medication? I honestly don't know what to do, I'm a first time rabbit owner.
Ps. Dopey's stitches will be removed in 10 days.
So here is a new question... it's now been 2 days since Dopey's surgery, he seems to be doing fine...he's not really licking or picking at the stitches. He is eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom. But after reading a lot of posts and people's suggestion.... should I give Dopey pain medication? I called the doctor and he said it's not really necessary to give it to him, but the doctor did write a prescription for it (the doctor said they ususally perscribe med. if the rabbit isn't eating). I have not picked it up yet (I will tonight) so i don't know what it is, but they said it was a liquid med. I can't tell if Dopey is in pain, he's not as active as he was before... but the good news is, he's still giving me kisses and bonding with me. Does anyone have adivce on wheter or not I should give him the medication? I honestly don't know what to do, I'm a first time rabbit owner.