Doesnt like new home

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
Reaction score
Miami, Florida, USA
I upgraded all of the buns homes recently. I don't think Bugsy is happy, He would come right to the door of his other home and just put his head down to get pet. Now, he wont come to me at all, so i just leave the door open and he comes out on his own. Its a much bigger space..I thought he would love it. Not so sure anymore. Should I put him back in his old home?
I think he just needs to get his scent into the new enclosure. Is there anything from his old one that wasn't washed before being moved into the new one? A stuffie, toy or anything like that? It'll make him feel less displaced.

If there isn't maybe you could cuddle him in a blanket and then put that in his new cage with him to snuggle. It'll smell like you AND him which might help.

It could also be that he's intimidated by the large space. Maybe fill it up a bit with a stuffed animal or chew-able wicker toy basket or something like that.

Does he have a hide box in the new space? That should help. Just a cardboard box, fastened closed without tape [interleave the 4 flaps on each end] with a hole on 1-2 sides, which he's surely enlarge to his taste.
He has a Tubular tube thing I got each of them from the pet store. His stuffed animal is there.. his same bowl and I got him a new hay basket. This morning he seemed a bit better. Actually came close to me when I opened the cage. When I let him out for free time he spends a lot of time where his home use to be. I feel so bad for him.. maybe I should set up his old home too and let him decide? His old cage is the same cage we brought him home in and he has lived in since he was a wee thing, about 2 years ago.
I think the new space will be better for him once he gets used to it, it's just a change. It took Becky a long time to get used to being free roaming because she came from a TINY home where she couldn't even hop or perriscope. Now a year and a half later she will rip around the house hopping like a mad lady. It took her over 6 months to explore a full room. I have no doubt that she is MUCH happier now, it was just a slow transition.

I would think your little man will transition faster since he wasn't so confined for so long (she lived very confined like that until she was 4 years old). More hiding spots might help. I find apple boxes from the grocery store work great because they have little openings on both sides when put up-side-down. It makes a very roomy but secure burrow. I put grass matts and a blankie under it so they can make a nice little bed.

*hugs and nose bonks for Bugsy*
I don't know if this is a fact or just something I see in my buns but I find them routine animals if that makes sense. M buns don't appreciate too much change at once so maybe he just needs time to fit his new home into his routine :)
Mine are definitely "routine animals". If I'm not making my rounds with pellets, hay and litter box changes in a timely fashion I will NEVER hear the end of it. :p

I think he'll adjust, it'll take some time. I'm sure he loves his new hay basket :)

I've used the apple boxes before too - they work great! Just take care that some use staples instead of glue, so always check to make sure they aren't pokey.
Progress! I gave Bugsy a lot of extra free time yesterday. Just layed with him on the floor and let him do his thing. I think it helped us! I was starting to think our bond was broken, my heart was breaking. Yesterday he went under the kids bed and knows he's not allowed to! We have drawers under there that he just loves to sleep in! So I got down on my knees and called him, this was a long shot because of the attitude he's been having lately! HE CAME TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!! Nudged my leg and pushed me to pet him! Then he just plopped right down and slept. My baby is back!!! Just wanted to share my happiness with you all!
Oh wonderful! Rabbits are sensitive to change, but it sounds like he is getting used to the new digs and enjoying the space. Glad he's happy again and responding to your love. :)
Oh wonderful! Rabbits are sensitive to change, but it sounds like he is getting used to the new digs and enjoying the space. Glad he's happy again and responding to your love. :)