Does this happen to or bother anyone else?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2011
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I have so many friends (and even some family) who make ignorant stupid jokes about using rabbits as meat.

I'm no vegan or vegetarian, but I see eating rabbits as absolutely repulsive and disgusting, and I've always seen it this way even when I didn't have a pet rabbit.

It drives me up the wall with how often it happens and how everyone thinks it's so bleeping hilarious. Maybe it has something to do with where I'm from (hick/hunting/country folkville), but I don't find it funny or acceptable.

Does this happen to any of you? If so, how do you deal with it? My repsonses range from jokingly threatening the other party (touch my rabbit and I'll chop your hands off), to actually getting legitimately angry about it.
For example, just now someone who I consider a very very good friend posted a link to my facebook. It was an advertisement for "meat rabbits".

My birthday was yesterday and she said "Not too far away, we could go pick some up and throw em on the bbq for your bday dinner."

Now I know she would never eat rabbits, so it's done intentionally either as a joke (har har really funny) or to intentionally get a rise out of me (unlikely).

In this case I simply commented back that I find this grossly unfunny, to which she replied "I find it grossly appetizing. Shall we?" So I just deleted the entire post and am now fuming.
don't let it bother you, I am quite certain they say those things just to tease you because they know you are a rabbit lover so you are a perfect target! you need to come up with some type of witty comeback to use on them. the more you show it makes you mad the more they will tease you i'm sure.
What bothers me is that it's a REALLY good friend. I get it from the guys I know that hunt, I get it from random people who don't know or care, but this is someone I consider family. I'm all huffy with my feathers stickin out every which way. Hrmpf. It's just not funny or neccessary.
I was reading a book about marketing rabbits and they had a picture of rabbit sausage and i almost puked.

I know a family that use to hav rabbits for 4H and they hav an interestin tale. when the mother, aunt and children went to the zoo their father and uncle decided to cook the rabbits for supper (not knowing that they were for 4H) when the mother, aunt and kids came home all 4 rabbits were cooked and the mother and aunt beat the men with a spoon. (this was told to me by the mother) they got more rabbits and 20 yrs later i got 4 from them aging from 10-17 but unfortunatly they died but the oldest (Zelda) was last to die.
MarisaAndToby wrote:
I'm all huffy with my feathers stickin out every which way. Hrmpf.
THISpost is worthless without pics :coolness:


I wouldn't let it get to me.
The best way to handle it is to respond with humor.

Laugh hystericaly at their "joke"....sigh....and then ,with a straight face and in a monotone voice, say "Yeah, that was funny" :expressionless


"I was considering naming my bunny Stew." always a good one.

How about Moo Shu Bunny....I actually have a bun named Moo Shu, too.

I also have had buns named or nicknamed; Tootsie Roll & S'more.

And, after all, "There's only one way to eat a brace of conies!"

Or maybe some Puppiedawg Adobo....or Five Spice Meowmeow?

Have fun with them (or at them) and they'll soon find it's not worth their effort to be one upped.
I always tell folks that I found Nyx doesn't make good stew (she's a flemish giant rabbit). She eats the carrots - throws out the onions and pees on the recipe.

So we wind up having to order pizza instead!
My cousin and I have our birthdays one week apart, she made a joke about having Bonkers for dinner at her bday BBQ, I responded: "All right! But I don't know how we will ever fit Max into the grill!" (her VERY annoying dog, who she LOOVES). She flipped out and told me I was way out of line, so I just said "well, same goes for you, theyre both our pets". So, yeah, I feel you. I have to put up with those type of comments ALL the time and it can get very upsetting.
The last time someone told me that bunnies make great stew, I looked at them really perplexed, and very seriously and sincerely I asked, "How in the hell do you get them to do that, my lazy rabbits won't cook a damn thing!"
The eating rabbit jokes are one thing, but I tend to get a lot of "I had a rabbit once but..." stories. These never end with "and it lived to be 14 years old and died peacefully". It seems that people see you with a rabbit or find out that you have rabbits and they feel compelled to tell you some horrible story.

I pretty much just blow it off and tell them that I don't eat family. I have yet to have some comment to me on Facebook about it, but few people would still have friends with me after such a comment.

Doing the rabbit hopping at many public events, you can come to expect it at some places, especially the more rural places and fairs. However, when you get them at a pet expo, mall or other family type event, it just is annoying.
Just take it with a grain of salt.
I know lots of people that feed rabbits to their snakes.
I often threaten Kiwi (my rat) with that when she misbehaves, Never with the actual intention to do so. Its a joke.
We used to call Tiki (my old bunny) Dinner, and offer to roast my Cockatoo with turkey dinner.
Its just a joke, some people dont express their humor in a funny way. Just tell your friend you dont like it or ignore it. But I highly doubt they mean anything by it, they know you have a bunny, and its funny to them.
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets the comments or gets bothered by it.

It rarely really gets to me, but when it does...Gaaah.

This was pretty much me, Jim. :p
This is going to get me flammed, but it works both ways. And people probably say it to you because you get hyped up about it. I've a friend with pet rabbits, and a group of us would play truth or dare on line. Stupid, but at the time was fun. And any time I would get Joy, I would always ask her something dumb like 'if you and bullet (rabbit), were stranded on the island and the only way you could live loong enough to make it to shore you would have to eat Bullet, would you do it?'

and all I ever did was pick on her, because it was something easy to pick on.

and most people who pick on you about your rabbit, most likely wont eat them either.

and where i said it goes both ways, ppl pick on you, but you know most people think its a horrid thing when someone does. Its just a matter of totally different views.
I would just take it as a joke and laugh it off if it was coming from a friend because to me it would be obvious they're just poking fun. Some people just have that kind of personality. If it was a stranger or an acquaintance i might let them know how disgusting i personally think it is, but at the same time wouldn't judge someone who chose to eat rabbit meat (though i would be frowning on the inside).

If it's a constant thing then i would just ask her to knock it off because it's getting old and the more they say it the less funny it becomes. But i wouldn't take it to heart if its coming from a good friend because as someone else mentioned, rabbit lovers are easy targets for jokes though i doubt she is being malicious.
Well example 2 is my friend Richard (Dick) commenting on my fbook album all of Toby. "You gonna eat that thing yet?"

So I says, bein' all clever and stuff, "There goes Dick, living up to his name."

So really, I suppose it all depends on my mood and who's saying it. Guess I was grouchy yesterday. To be fair, I have told the really good friend from yesterday that I don't enjoy rabbit meat jokes. But meh.

Meh meh.
Yep get it all the time. We have one friend who is down right aggressive about it. We rescued Fraggles as a baby from a meat farm when she was just five weeks. We have this one friend who always asks when he can eat her or when he can make "stew". When we tell him not in this universe he gets MAD! Telling us "rabbits are not pets,there food". Last time he visited Jason kicked him out cause he kept shooing Fraggles away with his foot and he yelled at her that he was "going to snap her little neck". He then said that "she should have been left at the meat farm were she belongs". That was the last straw and now he is not welcome. A lot of people make jokes but he is down right hostal about it......:sigh:

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