Well-Known Member
Is that one of those small cat/dog beds that you used as a bed for Pepper? He looks so comfy lol 
Gabby wrote:
Pomlover1361 wrote:the special ones are generally takendirectly from the butt as they are made. "generally" it'sonly the very lazy or fat who make them on the floor first and then eatthemTowels work for some buns but not all. Flospy eat my towels.You should have solid flooring in your rabbits huctch becuase bunnieseat their feeces. You should make sure that they have somentake of themtoo. Bunnie's feeces have some nutrients that they missed the firsttime through.![]()
Oh ok. I just finally understood what you were telling me. Yes they dogenerally that. But you should still have a towel just incase they drop a few
Pepper is very cute
I don't promote towels,however I have no problems with edible items, like grass mats, aboard, or things that can not be chewed like a totally flatfloor. (I have seen way to many blockages to be comfortablewith saying use a towel) While granted I know people have buns who doawesome with them I personally feel it can berisky.
You are correct it is a small cat/dog bed.I got it at Petsmartand told my husband we had to buy that for Pepper,so he be morecomfortable sleeping in his cage.We also use it in his pet carrier,whenwe take him in the car to go somewhere,like when we take him to the vetto get his nails clipped.He is so good in the car,he just lays down inhis pet carrier.Also,we take him to petsmart,when we go to buy hisstuff.They let people bring their pets in the store.Do you have apetsmart in your area?Isthat one of those small cat/dog beds that you used as a bed for Pepper?He looks so comfy lol
LOL! I saw one of those at PetSmart when we went lastweek and considered getting one for Sherman.Tucker loves his bed. Santagot him a faux fur (fake fur) bed for Xmas and he grooms itandloves it. I'm sure any doe would fall instantlyin love with him, especially after seeing his bachelor pad.
Can you say spoiled?Tuckerloves his bed. Santa got him a faux fur (fake fur) bed forXmas and he grooms it andloves it. I'm sure any doewould fall instantly in love with him, especially after seeing hisbachelor pad.