Does my bunny know its name?

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Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Sunnyvale, California, USA
How can I tell when my bunny has learned itsname? I have had Binky for about 1 - 1 1/2 monthsnow. Binky was about 4 - 6 weeks old when I got him/her, orso I was told. I call him/her by their name anytime I talk toBinky. Also, how old are they before they feel comfortablewith bunny still seems nervous when I pick them up and holdthem (i.e. fast heartbeat) Sorry to ask so many questions butI can't seem to find anything specific on the behaviors I am askingabout :) and I thought what better place to get help thanfrom bunny experts!! :)
heee.heee I am FAR from a bunny expert, but Iwill share what I've learned with mine. Their little heartsare always racing! More so when they are scared ornervous. Even when I am stroking and loving my buns theirlittle hearts are beating pretty fast even when they are relaxed andhappy.

I don't know as though bunnies actually LEARN their names.They definitely know voices and voice tones. You rabbit willknow your voice and the tone in which you call your bun.

Buns can be little goofy pranksters. Mine LOVE to chase mewhen I laugh. I think they recognize my laugh and it makesthem act really silly!!


Shorty, Star & Krick
You would do well to read the post directly addressed to newcomers to the Forum at of your questions, if not all, will be covered in some manner in this post, instead of asking each question again and having some or all of us "peat and repeat" the same old answers again.

Pay particular attention to A Cheat Sheet for Rabbit Care as it is an extremely worth while dicument and will prepare you for bunny keeping in ways you haven't even thought of yet.

I really didn't see specific information in thecheat sheet about your bunny knowing its name - but I can tell you thatwe picked upPuck on Monday and it is now Thursday night andhe knows his name. I know this because he will come towardsme when I say his name (unless he decides to run away - but even then -he looks towards me first).

We have six bunnies and all of them will lift their head and look at uswhen we call their name. Some will come to us...others willtake off (especially if it is bedtime). But I can tell fromtheir response and the way they pick up their ears that they know whenI'm calling them.

Ya mine both know there names.When I yellTHUMPER she looks at me like what did i do know? But when i callthumpie or thump thump she run over to me and wants to be picked up orjustl ays by my feet. when i call FAYTH she runs lol( she is afraid ofbeing TIMED-OUT! in her cage,but when I call fay or faynayshe runs up to me and when she is close enough to reach and i go to gether she takes off lol its rather funny but they wont go to no one elseother than me and my 8-yr old brother alex he is a BIG HELp on them

-ashley thumper faynay
Mine has not learned her name (I probably don'tuse it enough), but she has finally started to learn when I want her tocome back in from the garden (back yard) and when I want her to go backto her room.

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