Doe pulling Hair:

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Apr 3, 2005
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About a week ago, I put a nest box in with a NZWDoe that I thought might be pregnant. She started pullinghair, but that has been a week now and she no longer pullshair. Can someone tell me why she would do this?Also, how long do you leave the Kit's in with the mother?


Hey im not 100% sure about this butSome does have false pregnaceys and pull fur anyways.How long ago hasit been since you bred her?Also I dont know how long you leave the kitsin with there mom I was woundering the same thing I think my Mini-LopThumper is pregnant but Im not sure yet I can feel objects in herstomach and she makes a loud noise when I pick her up and she has beensleeping alot more and taking longer for her to finish her food but shefinishes hers and fays lol.So im just waiting for her to pull hair so Ican be ready just in case.

I don't know how long it has been for this Doeslast pregnancy, I bought 2 NZW Does from a lady, and I knew one waspregnant, and she had 8 Kits, about 3 weeks ago, but I never thoughtabout this doe being pregnant, but she is awful fat. I willjust wait and see I guess.



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