Do your bunnies try to eat your clothes?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada that I have two buns, things that I thought were a unique Maisie thing, I'm thinking may be a Bunny thing.

Both of my bunnies try to eat my clothes...while I'm wearing them. :shock::shock:

They're both prone to trying to eat a little of my jeans here andthere, and last night, I just couldn't get Flower AWAY from myt-shirt!!

Do your buns do this??? I find it really this anevery-bunny thing?? Or are my babies unique in this? :?
Skippy hates zippers, so he's always pulling atmy zippers. He also bites at my pants and digs sometimes. (It reallyfreakin' hurts, so I make him I don't think he's fond offabric though. He digs at the carpet, he digs at the funiture, and hedigs at sheets. :: shrugs ::
the first thing my booga did when i picked him up at the pet store was chew on the buttons of my coat...i fell in love!

he still chews on my clothes when he's a little nervous or wantsattention. he also likes to bite little holes in my sheets but he'slearning not to...

so yeah, i would say it's not that unusual...
Parsnip eats and scratches at my t-shirts andjumpers. I always have to make sure I have old things on if he'ssitting on my knee. He does major bunny attacks as though my clotheshave annoyed him in some way. I am now the proud owner of some VERYholey jumpers!
I think it is a habit some bunnies have and somedon't. My bunnies don't do it but my friends rabbitdoes. If you pick her up to give her a cuddle she snugglesinto your arm and before you know it there will be a little hole inyour top.

I think she knows she is not meant to do it so she is very sneaky at grabbing a bite of your clothes whenever she can! lol
hi there

lucy tends to nibble at my socks when im in the wheelchair she;ll sniffme out first and has started digging at my feet as well

what a little bunny but i love her so much

lucy is a rabbit who doesnt like to be picked up or held so we took herto the vets today to get her bum trimmed but she was fine she was alsoweighed and hasnt put anymore weight on and he said she was in exellentcondition

varna xxxx
Lol...I find myself cringing whenever the bunstry to eat my clothes, due to Maisie getting my skin once, and it beingquite painful. I've tried to get both of them to not try tonibble on my jeans (in particular, mind you), but I've noticed thatFlower gets sneaky about it and will go BEHIND me to try to getsome. Lol!! Little Stinker!!!

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