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I don't think I am organized enough to use Yahoo!LOL! I have always had a hard time in chat rooms so don't think I amdissing you all...I suppose with the kids up and yelling in thebackground I get kinda distracted...Gabe "Logan took all the cushionsoff the couch mom"....Mom..." I don't really care, you do it all thetime too"...Gabe "Not anymore, and he hit me"....Mom *What was Ithinking!*

Fergi's mom
Fergi wrote:
Idon't think I am organized enough to use Yahoo! LOL! I have always hada hard time in chat rooms so don't think I am dissing you all...Isuppose with the kids up and yelling in the background I get kindadistracted...Gabe "Logan took all the cushions off the couchmom"....Mom..." I don't really care, you do it all the time too"...Gabe"Not anymore, and he hit me"....Mom *What was I thinking!*

Fergi's mom
Lol :D.

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