do you think its time yet?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
scottsville, Kentucky, USA
Ryo and Alex have been hanging out in nuetralterritory for about 7 weeks now. they hang out together 2 or 3 hours ata time. there is not much fighting now, but sometimes they pull eachother's fur. most of the time they lay beside each other. i waswondering if its time to put them in Ryo's territory. Alex has beenrunning lose in her territory when she is in the cage so his sent isalso there already.

also, if you think its time do i need to keep them together 2 or 3hours at a time like i was doing on nuetral territory, or do i need todo it gradually like 15 mintues, 30 minutes
I wouldn't put them in "claimed" territory yetif they're still pulling fur. It's best to go slow withbonding. If they're still arguing a little in neutralterritory, they might have an all-out fight in claimedterritory. What you're doing right now is fine, as long asthey don't get upset if they spend too much time together.

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