Do you sing to your bunny (s)

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Active Member
Mar 15, 2006
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hello all

Do you sing to your bunny? I make upsong lyrics and sing them to my bunny while gently stroking his fur. Heloves it. I have the most horrible singing voice, but my bunny doesn’tseem to mind LOL. It just goes to show their undying, unconditionallove.

They are cuter than kittens, gentlerthan dogs, as graceful as eagles, and more lovable than my ownmother :)

Yeah, Its almost a habbit like singing in theshower lol !! When I brought my bunny home I sang "you are mysunshine" To her . I actually have a pretty good voice. Not to brag!!My mom thinks I'm crazy for singing to her lol!!
Yes, I have to admit that I sing to mybunnies. You're right...they do seem much more content whenthey hear me singing to them. I think they know it's special,and just for them. :)
when i had rats i sang to them all the time. i had a few songs made up just for my rat pack.

i only sing songs i hear on vh1 to them. if i am watching the music videos i sang while petting them.

Ryo even has a favorite song. its "your bueatiful" by james blunt. shelikes his other songs too. i bought the cd and she does binkies whenits on. but i always sing your bueatiful to her.

and i sing songs by the postal serive to her, she binkies away when shehears them, but if im singing she just relaxes and lets me pet her.

i havent really messed with alex much as far as singing andwhat music he likes. his personality is just now starting to bloom, hesjust now comming out of his shell
Linz_1987 wrote:
Oh dear god, your secrets are all coming out now! LOL :D

Hehehe *puts hand up*guilty:embarrassed:...i used to sing to my littlegirl bunny Lollipop all the time before she know girl lollipop you make my heart go giddy up so on...

i sing to my are my sunshine my onlysunshine you make me happy when skys aregrey but please donttake my sunshine away

i just make up little songs for the other buns

ummmmm my kids look at me in a very weird way and say "are you ok mum":ponder:lol

my hubby and his freinds came to the apartmentand i didnt know. i was singing away to Ryo, and i looked behind me andthere was Bruce (hubby) and two of his freinds grinning at me. i wassooo embarassed, but i tryed to pretend i wasnt
Did anyone say Singing? I ALWAYS sing to Pepsi..she loves it. This was a trick I used when she wouldn't eat, as soon asI started singing I had a 100% better chance in getting her to eat. Shealso likes when I hum. She'll snuggle against my shoulder when I'm inreach while I'm singing :).

I think her favourite song is travelling soldier by the Dixie chicks.. she loves it :D. She also likes when I play soft music.

:embarrassed:I always stop when someones around.. they make fun of meand tell me to stop annoying the rabbit. Little do they know!:brat:
oh yeah... bunny bunny bunny buns buns... bunnybunny bunny buns buns... it'sa funny bunny bun bun.. Noah(Daphie)funnybunny bun bun


Fluffy baby bunny bottoms.. wooo wooo bunny bottoms.. where's a babybunny bottoms.. woo woo fluffy baby bunnybottoms!!


It'sa baby Shiloh.. little baby Shiloh...It'sa baby Shiloh baby baby Shiiiiiiiiiiiloh!!! (my cat)


Oh baby Noelle.. Noelle.. Noelle.. who's the lil baaaaaaaaby!!.. lil baby Noelle!! (another cat)


Holly Holly lil Lion.. silly silly lil Lion.. where's the lil baby Holly... Holly Holly lil Liiiiiiiiiiion!! (another cat)

Toria Toria Toriaaaaaa!!!.. sweet beautiful Toria!!!!... (another cat) LOL

:DI could go on with my goofy lil songs.. but each of my babies knows which song is theirs and come running...!!!!

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