Just because there have been an influx of posts regarding people trying to make their own topics, lets see what new topics people are suggesting!
Already topics for lots of these guys, just search through. Lets aim for some new ideas we dont have yet!
Yawning bunnys -
Tired bunnys -
(lots of Loaf bunnys inthe tired bun one
Bunnys eating -
http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=15239&forum_id=21You can post pictures of their salad in here if you would like.
Theres an LOLrabbits thread on the forum somewhere but my search function isn't loading.
Babys and bunnys might be a tough one, youll get lots if youre looking for baby bunnys and adult bunnys but probably not too many human babys with bunnys
but not a bad idea.
Lots of threads for specific bunnys colours.
Black bunnys -
Christmas photos -
http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=17156&forum_id=21Few topics out there for halloween and easter and valentines day and some others.
As for New Zealands... I see a Californian topic, dont see a NZ specific one, there is an older giant bunny topic that can always be added too. Will be left open for the Photo Philes TF crew
Bridge Bunnys -
few cute related topics depending what the cute is, arent they all cute? There is a til topic for the backsides.
Dont see one for Feet
And group shots? lots of the photos have multi bunnys in them,
Bunny noses -
The lop thread -
http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=21572&forum_id=21 (you might find some copter buns in there? lol)
There are also lots of threads for colour specific buns so your harlis and brokens for those multi coloured buns.
So feet, Group, New Zealands, Babys + bunnys, Cant find the lolrabbits but its around the forum elsewhere, Copter buns. ?????