Today I was petting my rabbits and this fur flewoff. She never shed like this before, is it a seasonal thingor is it going to happen all the time? Do rabbits havewinter/summer coats?
Rabbits go through a molt several times a year,depending on the individual, weather, and their diet. They'llalso go through a juvenile molt as they grow up. It's best tobrush them often when they're molting so they don't accidentally eat asmuch when they groom themselves.
Oh boy do they shed. Depending on what kind ofbunny you have depends on how much. Daphne is a Rex/Satin mix and youwouldn't BELIEVE the hair that comes off her in a molt. Just tons ofit!! I sit with her outside for about 3 days (every other day) and justpluck handfuls on top of handfuls off her. Just when I think she'sgoing to go bald, she stops and looks thinner, but healthy and furry!!
our bunnies are big time shedders.... they shedon and off...some months are worse than others...if i skip sweeping upthe bunny room for a few days, sometimes hair will fly up when you walkthrough...little dust bunnies