Do rabbits need companions?

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We have had Bunny for, I think, almost twomonths now. She has a big cage in our livingroom and we lether out everyday in the morning and in the evening. We have 3cats as well. Bunny seems to be quite content with this setup. She likes to follow the cats around and just do herthing.

I have always thought thoughthat animals need companionswhich is why we have "2" guinea pigs, "2" birds, and "3"cats. At this point we just don't have the space for a secondrabbit. Ranger, our cat, is the one that brought Bunny home,we didn't go buy her or adopt her so we really weren't planning onanother animal when she came to us.

I think we are giving hera good home with plenty of love andattention, etc... Even though she is the only rabbit, do you all thinkthatis ok becauseshe does have us and the cats tokeep her company?
Though rabbits are social animals, it is notnecessary for them to have a rabbit companion. If you giveher enough attention, she will be fine. It sounds like sheinteracts with your cats, too. Sometimes rabbits and guineapigs will play together,but should never be cagedtogether.


I've heard that cats and rabbits are goodcompanions for each other as long as the cat isn'tagressive.The only reason i got 2 rabbits was because ididn't want one to be on it's own all day while i'm at school. Mybunnies get along great but i've heard of bunnies that want their mum'sattention all to themsleves. If she gets along with the cats and getslots of attention of youi'm sure she's fine.:D
Thank you! That's good to hear. Bunnydoes seem quite content. My husband and I are amazed on adaily basis with her and the cats together. I swear Bunnythinks she is a cat!

We very rarely let the piggies and she visit. Last time, oneof the piggies got that lovin' look in his eye and I saw that he washeading for her and I snatched him up quickly and put him back in hiscage. ewww.
That's funny. I recently got an emailvideo of a rabbit who was "fond of" a cat and kept trying to mountit. I wish I could find it. It'shilarious.


Yes, rabbits do need companions... just notneccesarily rabbits. Your set up sounds fine. Your bunny has thecompanionship of the human members of your family as well as your otheranimals.
My husband thought the guinea pig and Bunny would be funny but Ijust thought it was wrong!

Bunny jumped over Ranger for the first time the other night whileRanger was sprawled out on the floor. It was hilarious! Itstotally freaked him out! He had not idea what the heck hadhappened. I think all he saw was just a white puffy flash fly over him:)
It sounds like Bunny is perfectlyhappy. There are a few rabbits that need constantcompanionship, and humans are just not enough. Mocha is agood example. If rabbits could cry, she would have every timeshe was put back in her cage, or even if we walked away from her whileshe was playing. It was obvious to me that she needed afriend. Luckily for her, I wanted a second rabbit anyway.

I think your bunny will be fine, she has a roomy house (hutch) and aneven roomier house (your house) to run and play in. If she is gettingout for run and play time everyday and attention then I think that isgreat.

Bindy is an only rabbit, and she is as happy as larry, she runs jumpsplays and gives us all lots of lovins' I think as long as you spendtime with any animal regardless of the breed or type of animal, thenyou are bound to get love in return wether they are by them selves ornot.


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