Do Rabbits Like Music?

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I never thought rabbits would like music, Ithought they would be scared but then one day I noticed when the musicchannels were on in the background they would seem to get kind ofexcited andbinky more. I tried playing them softmusic and not much response but they seem to enjoy things with guitarsand drums.My bunnies want to rock!!It'sreally quite bizarre.:ponder:
I've been singing to Castor and Pollux (tee!Love the new names!) and it seems to calm them down a little. Like whenthey start to struggle when I hold them, I start to sing. Maybe they'rejust still to exchange looks of embaressment to eachother;)

I'm playing some Coldplay right now and they're just sitting here on my lap, heads on eachother, nice and calm.
I believe they may like a variety of music, butnaturally the softer kinds may not produce an obvious response; theymay just relax into it.

When i played The Clash, Daisy got some loose poops.:) However sheliked Ian McCullough (of Echo & the Bunnymen - yep!) justfine.:bunnydance:
When I was about 12 and the Nintendo 64 cameout, We got Mario 64. There is a level that is all water and the musicis mellow with strings and bells and stuff. Whenever we would play thatlevel, our 2 holland lops would almost ALWAYS go and lay down next tothe speakers. I am not kidding.

So whenever we brought them back from the vet, we would treat them withsome nice classical music. It always seemed to relax them.

On a counterpoint, whenever I play any rock music downstairs, Theodorehides away in his room. Of course, he might like it better if it wasn'tso loud... ;)
Ernestine and Tony....


My lop seems to enjoy Tafelmusik (baroque, of course), and I believe I can safely say she enjoys 'smooth jazz'. Unfortunetly, (for me), it also appears she equally enjoys AC/DC, Led Zepplin, etc.
Marbles likes Sinatra and Norah Jones. Strange little boy.:rabbithop

He'll just bunny flop and it's off to neverneverland.

When I playrock/alternative, he becomes hyper and wants out of his cage. I'm not sure though whether that's because he wants to play and run aroundorbecause he wants out of the room.