Do I Need to Worry About Contamination?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
, , USA
I think most of you are familiar with my posts regarding the deaths of 2 of our baby bunnies (they were just shy of being 4 months old) and the fact that we don't know the reasons of their deaths. Also, Vinny recently had that abscess surgically removed.

One question is, is there reason for me to worry about any sort of contamination between Vinny and my daughter's new bunnies Poodle and Prince?

We've been keeping Vinny separate in my bedroom in his own cage (we let him out daily and he'll wonder through our living room, hall, bedroom, and sometimes kitchen). Poodle & Prince are kept in my daughter's large bedroom where they have their own cage (it was Precious' & Otter's that I disinfected twice and threw out all cardboard items, toys, and gave them a new water bottle) and the cage door is left open so they can go in & out as they please. They have the run of her bedroom and it is bunny-proofed.

I mean, will they ever be able to bond as a trio eventually (if they'd accept each other which I know bonding a trio is very difficult)? Or must they forever and always be kept separate from each other?

I think despite the extra attention and freedom that Vinny has from us, he is still lonely and I want to get him a spayed mate. Is there any medical reason that I could not get a mate for Vinny?

I'm confused because the vet said her assumption is that perhaps Precious, Otter, & Vinny may have been exposed to the Pasturella virus or a different one from being at the breeder's place before we took them. But I don't know if I'm supposed to keep them all separated from each other or not.

Thank you for your help! :)
usually you quarantine for around 4 weeks or i do anyway just to make sure anything that is lurking has time to come out before introducing them into my rabbitry.

I can't remember now if you had a necropsy done or not. But i would be iffy on a vets guess at what was wrong much better backed up with fact.

If it was me i would wait till Vinny is all healed and feeling better and then introduce him to a bonding scenario, whether its with yoru daughters new buns or a spayed female just remember to quarantine any new arrivals too :)
yep, polly is right - probably quarantine them for a time.
Ok, we've had them just about 2 weeks and the rescue we got them from had them for almost 8 weeks or more.

I was just curious about the "mysterious" virus assumption...kwim?

Thanks a bunch, I'm most grateful for the help I receive on this forum! :D
I think at this point I wouldnt worry. Most bunnies have contact with pastuerella at some point, its only harmful if an infection gets out of control.

My Max had a terrible tooth root abscess for over a year. He was with his buddy Basil the entire time. In fact I believe it helped him heal because he had a friend to be there for moral support. So if bonding will stress him out, Id hold off, but theres no need to quarantine him IMO.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Have they been around the other bunnies in those 2 weeks much?
It's Vinny only and he is in my bedroom...the other 2 bunnies are in my daughter's room.

Twice Vinny has gotten through the gate into my daughter's room and sniffed through the cage but as soon as we found out, we removed him from her room.


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