Do any of you put collars on your bunnies?

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lol, Mocha hates the little bow tie I made for them, he prefers "handsome" over "cute". ;)
lol I'd love to see pics of the bunnies wearinghats!! Oreo would look cute with a lil hat on but I doubt she'd let meactually put one on her :?

Last year for holloween I had a little vampier costume for a stuffed animal and I took of the rope and put in on flopsy.

Re: hats. Yes I cut out the top, add tie stringswith a slip tight fastener to go under chin. I also frequentshops, called "Dollar Stores" in the US where everything costs $1.00 orless, looking for "sacrificial" stuffed animals wearing hats andclothes that might be usable on a rabbit.

For example, lots of stuffed rabbits around Easter Time, with readymade rabbit hats! All I need do is rip out the tacking used to keep thehats on the stuffed bunnies.

Each holiday brings out a plethora of stuffed toys, most wearingappropriate chapeaus. I also find interesting hats at craftstores, where they are apparently stocked for people makingdolls. They, too, are inexpensive and come in many versions,such as, top hats, cowboy hats, sailor caps, and straw bonnets, to nameafew.

Did see one woman at a craft show, selling hats she adapted to dogs andcats.Didn't seem to be doing a boomingbusiness. Guess not too many people as "unusual" as those ofus who will dress up a rabbit, eh?

M&Smom wrote:
lol, Mocha hates the little bow tie I made for them, heprefers "handsome" over "cute". ;)
Laura, I loved the bow ties you madefor Mocha and Spice! You tell Mocha that I said, "Enough isenough! Put that bow tie on!" lol!:D
Buck Jones wrote:

Re: hats.? Yes I cut out the top, add tie? strings with a slip tightfastener to go under chin.? I also frequent shops, called "DollarStores" in the US where everything costs $1.00 or less, looking for"sacrificial" stuffed animals wearing hats and clothes that might beusable on a rabbit.

For example, lots of stuffed rabbits around Easter Time, with readymade rabbit hats! All I need do is rip out the tacking used to keep thehats on the stuffed bunnies.

Each holiday brings out a plethora of stuffed toys, most wearingappropriate chapeaus.? I also find interesting hats at craft stores,where they are apparently stocked for people making dolls.? They, too,are inexpensive and come in many versions, such as, top hats, cowboyhats, sailor caps, and straw bonnets, to name a?few.

Did see one woman at a craft show, selling hats she adapted to dogs andcats.??Didn't seem to be doing a booming business.? Guess not too manypeople as "unusual" as those of us who will dress up a rabbit, eh?


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