Diseases with illustrations

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Mar 29, 2005
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Can you provide me with names of the all diseases and symtoms of Rabbits with colourful illustrations?
Hi Kumar,

The book Rabbit Production - 8th Edition goes a long way in giving you that information.

Thank you very very much for your kind andimmediate reply. You recommend a Book titled "The Rabbit Production"8th edition will be suitable for the purpose. I would like to ask youone question. That is, I am in Tamil Nadu,INDIA. All say that since ourclimate,season, medications, feeding,etc., are totally different fromthat of Foreign Countries. So, such Foreing Books will not be suitablefor here. Is there any Book on the same subject? Is the above-mentionedbook recommended by you will be suitable for Indians.Then, what is thename of the Authour and its Publisher including Publisher's e-mailaddress.

Please your detailed reply and opinion.
"Rabbit Production" has an excellent chapter on "Rabbit Production Around the World".

The authors are McNitt, Patton, Lukefahr, and Cheeke. Thebook is published by Interstate Publishers, Inc. Danville, Illinois, USA

kumar wrote:
...Iam in Tamil Nadu,INDIA. All say that since our climate,season,medications, breeding,etc., are totally different from that of ForeignCountries.... Is there any Book on the same subject?
Please your detailed reply and opinion.

Understand the climatic nature behind your query. You mightfind some reading that will be very beneficial to you in theproceedings of the Eighth World Rabbit Congress by linking to:


Another source you may want to avail yourself of is to be found at:


A close perusal of these two sources will provide you with hours ofappropriate information that can be directly applied to you and yourclimatic conditions.

