Disapproving Rabbits

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Heres a couple of VERY disapproving bunnies!

CAMO : What? We're having mashed carrots for dinner?! AGAIN!?


BRODY: Ewwww... Camo farted!!!


I must admit that I have looked at ALOT of bunnyphotos, too many in fact. And the one of Ruby sitting there on thecarrier refusing to go to bed is by far my all time favorite photo, Idont know exactly why, maybe it's because how us bunny owners like toassume what our rabbit's think and say to themselves as if they usedhuman rational thought. I do that with thumper all the time, some timeI think he is so sick of me hugging and playing with him I can picturehim plotting my death when everyone is asleep. Sitting there in thecage thinking , "Ok I will shave some carrots and put them in hiscoffee, and when he is knocked out I will sit on his nose to suffocatehim, then I will run back to my cage like I know nothing, and I willsay NOTHING to the cops, oops! Wait a second? Who the hell is gonnaFEED ME? Awww man!, He is SO manipulative! He knows I cant kill himcause I need him!"
I know, i know...I should see someone professionally, no need to say it.
TumpieRabbit wrote:
I must admit that I have looked at ALOT of bunny photos, toomany in fact. And the one of Ruby sitting there on the carrier refusingto go to bed is by far my all time favorite photo, I dont know exactlywhy, maybe it's because how us bunny owners like to assume what ourrabbit's think and say to themselves as if they used human rationalthought. I do that with thumper all the time, some time I think he isso sick of me hugging and playing with him I can picture him plottingmy death when everyone is asleep. Sitting there in the cage thinking ,"Ok I will shave some carrots and put them in his coffee, and when heis knocked out I will sit on his nose to suffocate him, then I will runback to my cage like I know nothing, and I will say NOTHING to thecops, oops! Wait a second? Who the hell is gonna FEED ME? Awww man!, Heis SO manipulative! He knows I cant kill him cause I need him!"
I know, i know...I should see someone professionally, no need to say it.

Aww thank you!:D It's actually Millie on the carrier but don't worry -it's easy to get them mixed up, they are sisters afterall.;)She's getting worse at it now as well, when it startsto get dark I always go put their toys away, then go back and get themand put them in their hutch. Well now whenever I go put the toys awayMillie plants herself on top of the carrier and refuses to come down.:disgust:She was always trouble that rabbit, I like to callher 'little miss attitude'.:wink
Hi there and welcome!

I love this face:


That is definitely a dissaproving look! Your bunnies are all adorable!Be sure to introduce yourselfhere:Introductions(just click New Topic) so everyone cangive you a proper welcome!
That spunky Maisie bunitude:

Closest thing you get to anger with Flower:

Don't have one for Trixie yet, but when I do, it'll get posted! :)
Ruby, Millie, Muby, Rillie. Whichever one it isit is a great picture. One thing that I have learned is that rabbitshave great observational skills, they observe and then apply verysimple logic. For instance, instead of lifting Thumper in and out ofthe cage every time he wants out I have a box positioned as a ramp inand out of his cage so he can use the litter box and food bowl/water ashe wishes. But come night time I want him locked in the cage because Ican't supervise him. So after 2 or 3 times of closing the cage at 10oclock when he went in to use the can, he caught on fast. So now hewill not enter the cage at night unless I am in another room cause heis scared that I am gonna lock him in, so I wait for him to look aroundand enter, then I run up and shut the cage, and if I am not quickenough and he jumps out before I get to it, then FORGET getting him infor the rest of the night, I just have to block off a small area forthe night. Unbelievable, he makes me feel like I am running aVietnamese prison camp.
I've now got a TRIPLE disapproval stare for you...enjoy!

My apologies for the start being so dark...gives you a good example of how I can spot Maisie by the nose, though! :D
oh, that was cute! flower did NOT look happy there. . . i laughed so hard. . .
Hehe...I know!! I couldn't help but giggle when I saw her, too...too funny! :)

Needless to say, I'd taken WAY too many pictures of them for their taste that day!! :D
i know those looks. . .

herman can't get enough of the camera. . .i could photograph thatrabbit all day, but winnie is done after 2 maybe 3 flashes. . . i getdisapproving looks and bunny butt. . .
This is Jiffy's " please put me down and let me out of this dust pan!" face.


Can't say I've got pictures of the other two being disapproving.

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