Dirty Bunny

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
Reaction score
Freddyville, New Jersey, USA
Hihi...this is a quick question. I know it's notgood to bathe my bun, but how can i clean the bottom of his feet.they're all dirty from running around. ive tryed mild baby soap (ipicked baby soap b/c i was afraid of irritating his skin) but it reallydidnt do anything. any suggestions?
If your buns feet as dirty like with mud or poopyou can just put an inch of water in your sink and lower just his feetinto the water. It should come off with just water.Hold bun with his back against you and one arm around him under hisarms so he doesn't get wet anywhere but his feet. If it'sjust dusty dirt you can just comb his feet with a small tooth comb,like a flee comb.
You can trylemon juice to clean the feet ,wet a towel with itand use elbow grease to getit off , also white vinegar, and or a solutionof half peroxide and water , Holdingthe bun above water isntrecomended as if hejumps , slips orfalls he can A gethurt B end up soaking wet ,and Rabbit fur cantend to not dry though enoughleaving him wideopen for skin problems

First try a cloth dampened with just warmwater. If your bunny has any cuts or sores on his feet thelemon juice or vinegar will be extremely painful. I've gottenlemon juice and vinegar in a minor paper cut before and it'sexcruciating.

Since my bunny is disabled and incontinent I have to give his bottom abath daily, per my vets instructions. I have neverhad any problem doing so. He's never slipped or gotten wetall over. I just dry him with towels and then finish off withthe blow dryer. As long as you only get one spot wet it's notso hard to get them dry. I guess we've all had differentexperiences.
thats the point iwas trying to make Stephanie,Just rememebr EVERY Rabbitreacts differently and untill youknow exactlly how its going to reactto the bath Cautionmust be used !

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