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Mar 12, 2004
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I have a little Dutch male who loves to dig outall the litter in his pan everyday, several times a day! I use alphabases pellets & it's changed daily. Is there anything I can doto help satisfy this urge to dig?


Now I'm Rocket & Emily's mom
hi!! well my bun digs a bit but not to much....i would (at the time you see him do it) in a nice way tell him nosweety and show him while you put it back in his litter pan ...then puthim in the litter pan and basicly do it until he gets the jist of ithehe he will get it. good luck!!
Just give him a smallbox eith torn up mewspaper in it ora dish pan with somechildrens play sand in it to dig in , thatshould help him some.
I agree w/ Gypsy: give him somethingelse to dig in, & he might lose interest in digging in hislitterbox. Meat started off using more than one litterbox,but after awhile she decided that the second box was just for digging& shredding (it's got newspaper & hay init).He might also like acardboard box w/junkmail or old magazines/catalogs (be sure to remove any staples orplastic).
Does he get out in a playpen at all?Do you have access to dirt and grass that is NOT treated withchemicals, pesticides, etc? Maybe if he got out to dig thatmight curb his desire to tear up his cage?? What about ahi-bac litterbox? They are a bit more expensive than a simplelitterbox, but worth it. Do you have room in his cage to putin one of those kitty litterboxes with the cover on it? Those are greattoo.

Keep us posted :)

Hugs! Shorty, Star & Krick
Thanks for the advice. Yes, Rocket, aka Fat Boy,has a high back litter pan & he is out of his cage whenever weare home. He even has a large cage it's almost three feet from side toside & about 2 feet high. (At least it's the biggest cage Ihave ever had for my rabbits.) I'll try the extra box with junk mail& newspaper. I certainly have enough junk mail! OH! I also takehim outside, but he just runs around. He never seems to want to digoutside. He's not right. Maybe he was born backwards?:p

Thanks again!

Is he young? My buns didn't really diguntil I softened up the ground with a mist of water and a gardenrake. I started a burrow for them and they caughton. Their burrow is really cool. They like it inthere. Its been a while since they have been in the run inthe backyard as they were just spayed & neutered about 10 daysago.
WOW! Thank you for the advice! I have a "nestingbox" that the rabbits didn't pay any attention to, until I put theshipping paper in there! The box has been in their play area from dayone, but neither rabbit had any interest in it! Today, Emily jumped inimmediately and checked things out. As soon as she was out, Rocketjumped in adn started digging! So far, he hasn't dug out the litterpan! THANK YOU! It was funny to see them fiannly pay attention to thebox! Rocket was jumping all over just waiting for his sister to getout! Now, I can't get him out of there!

LOL Children lovesimple toys lol , Give a kid an expensivetoy in a large box , what do they playwith The Box! same with a Bunnylol If no box isavailable the littter boxwill make due but give them abigger box and bunny heaven !.
Well, I hope this will work for metoo. The extra box I mean. I have had the exactsame problem as DJ Bunny with my little bun digging out ALL of thelitter in the box. It doesn't matter what litter I put inthere--within 10-15 minutes of cleaning and putting new litter in, hehas it cleared out almost completely, so there goes any chance of himactually using it as a litter box. I also have a carboard box inthe cage (extra) that he does play with sometimes, but I'm going to tryto put stuff (paper I guess) in it and see what happens. Ihope I have good results like DJ Bunny did. I'll keep youposted.
The box thing is great! A friend made a box outof plywood and I believe it would be used for a nesting box. (The boxhas a metal, mesh bottom & the top slides open, the sides arewood with one small opening.) It's a very simple box, but the rabbitsnever had an interest in it! I put the darn packing paper in there andnow I can't get Rocket (the male) out of there! It's comical! Emily,the female, doesn't care for it, but she definately has her ownpersonality! Thanks for all the great advice & good luck toyou, lmolly!

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