Differences between hays?

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Active Member
Jun 3, 2006
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When I bought my rabbit, the cage I bought forhim came with two bags of Alfalfa hay, which is what I'm using at themoment. I also bought a big bag of Timothy hay as well, and at the timeI thought "Timothy" and "Alfalfa were just the name of the brands ofhay, but after browsing through these forums I notice these two seem tobe more different than I thought. Could someone explain to me thedifferences? My rabbit (Peanut) has not tried the Timothy hay yet, issafe to switch from Alfalfa to Timothy later on? Thanks.
Since he's young, you could keep feeding him thealfalfa until he's around 4 months old. Alfalfa is a hay that is veryrich, and timothy is more of a high fiber grass hay. Alfalfa has highprotien, calcium and fat, very good for growing rabbits. Timothy ismore of a fiber suplement. Timothy is recommended for olderrabbits just because with alfalfa older rabbits tend to gain weight andmay have a problem with bladder sludge due to the high calcium. I giveboth my rabbtis alfalfa hay as a sweet treat :)

Hope this helped!


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