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I was sent this site(www.KFCcruelty.com) by a guy i play pool with. i showed itto my sister, and we got into a discussion about how most animalcruelty laws dont include animals like rats, chickens, and rabbits.when i asked her why, she told me that it was because if they wereincluded in animal cruelty laws, some/most of the research done onanimals couldn't be done. personally, im not sure how i stand onresearch. but what i was thinking was, couldnt they have to have apermit to research on animals? include all those animals with theanimal cruelty laws, unless the person has a permit to performexperiments on the animals? i know that sounds horrible, to givesomeone legal permission to hurt animals, but i think its worse thatpeople can come and do things like that ^^ and what happened to Lucky.GRRRRRRRR

Don't know if it still occurs, but I believe dogs, cats, and primateslike chimps were, and possibly still are, used in experiments andscientific testing.

Aside from theethical question about the use of animals forthose purposes, opposition also developed because of the apparentendless repetition of some of the tests/experiments leading to the sameconclusions over and over again. The thought was, when isenough, enough, already?

If those species I mentioned above are still being used experimentally,the labs have been fairly successful in keeping a low profile and notgenerating a lot of adverse publicity.

The site you mention above is a PETA website and I do have reservationsabout that organization. If you're interested in those,access an earlier postat:http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=1691&forum_id=1&page=2



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