Diana's Zoo 2008

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I was just going through your bunny blog to choose photos to sketch. You have a lot more photos of Newt than you do of Ookpik. You should definitely take some more Ookpik photos ;)hehe

I love that you have a hedgie! I will definitely be adding that to my plans for a Household Pets themed calendar! I don't remember if I put fish down, either. I'll have to check, because that should definitely be included.
Today I woke up to find Irma laying motionless. I held her in a towel, she was really cold. Her breaths were really shallow and far apart, then there were none.
Eventhough you were sick most of your life, I hope you enjoyed yourself here with us. I'll miss you so much, Irma. I love you, rest in peace and health..


Ohhh I'm so sorry you've lost your Irma! :( I'm glad you got to hold her for her last breaths. May she run free over the Rainbow Bridge. :rainbow:
Oh, no...I am just now seeing this :(.

Rest in Peace in rattie heaven, Irma :rainbow:.

It is terribly hard when we lose one of our rattie babies. We only have about 1.5 - 3 years with these guys. In that time, we bond to them quickly....because we have to. They grown on anyone and are a total joy to have around.

I'm very sorry about losing Irma. It's sad for me too, to see such a sweet rattie pass on...who shared the name with my great grandmother...who also passed on.

Thank you, Amy. :hug:

I've been missing in action lately, just been busy going to weddings and long weekends away with my sweety and working in between.
Everyone is doing well. I got some new snails and plants for my fish tanks. One Apple Snail, three Ramshorns, some duckweed, a java fern and another plant whose name I don't know. I have plans of making a Natural Planted Tank for Sesshomaru (betta #2) Then move Kamajii (betta #1) into Sesshomaru's 1 gal container and make his tank a NPT. And do Shiseido's (betta #3)whenever I have an extra $50 to buy him a 5 gallon tank.

I don't think there's anything significant to report about anyone else... Oh wait, I got two more Red Eye Tetras for the tropical tank, too. Anyways, I'm pretty tired and I better get to bed. Here are some pics of my dear bunny-butts. They're playing with their new toys from Leith Petwerks, which is my favourite online store. Good prices and excellent service.





Ok, Ookpik was mostly interested in eating...



Not sure what's going on here, I think he's eating one of the holistic veggie hearts (which my rabbits freaking LOVE so now I have to order more)


Pookie *does* approve of her new toys!


Being shy?



Rocky runned away. No really, she did! The cats like to jump on her cage and their weight pushes the door open. So, Rocky climbed out and went for an adventure. She was gone from about three days, I caught her when she went into the kitchen for water. I'll get new pics for you sometime, though, Ali!

On to pictures!

Here's Missy looking all angry:




And Kagome Chan, being cute as usual:



Daisy wasn't being photogenic for once!

Yannik looking weirded out about having a camera in his face:


Here are some size pics of my fishy-poos:


Sammi 3"


Jacob 2.5" He's short & round :D


Dorie 4"

They're only in a few inches of water because I was changing their water again. I left it too long & my apple snail died, so I'm sure that didn't help the water-quality. The ammonia's at 1 now, so another pwc tomorrow and it should be good. I dunno why the cycle is so freaking messed up, well I know taking the gravel out had a lot to do with it. I think I'll pot some plants for them, that way there'll be some substrate for the bacteria to live in. I also bought a Fluval 304 for them, so they'll have much better filtration soon! Oh, and Jacob has some kind of white bump on his face, I dunno what it is, I think it's some kind of wound. But I'm salting the tank at 0.1% incase it's some kind of infection and the prevent nitrite poisoning while the tank is cycling.


Ok, that's all.


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