Oh I love that white bunny - she looks just like my Sullen when she is lying down - Oh by the way I love dewlaps - Sully has a tiny one even though she is overweight to the point where I am worried - I know how you feel about Reuben - by the way I think Reuben looks very cuddly and beautiful the way he is sitting there in that picture - although I thought he was a beautiful doe - looks like my Ande. Ande has a dewlap and looks like Reuben only grey and white. She is such a sweetheart - carrying her stuffies around - My son and I say that she has a connector to hold her dewlap in place - a little pink connector - Dewlaps are beautiful and I love Red eyed whites - I am a foster mom to three young New Zealand whites - they look like little sullies - Oh how I wish I could find a good home for them. Would you guys like one - honestly they have wonderful personalities and they are truly beautiful as only a bunny can be.Squish `s mom knows what I am talking about. Oh dear what have I gotten myself into - taking in three more bunnies - what if I dont find homes for them - they are babies and were going to get dropped of outside and its cold and everything is covered in snow.