Devious and desperate attempts to save animals

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I dont do anything devious, but I do work for adog rescue and foster dogs. we recently took in 20 dogs that wereseized in a neglect case.

Those poor animals. I still have one of them and two pups from a momma.The one dog isnt going to be able to be adopted due to some kind ofneurological issues. She can barely stand up do to no balance. Shefalls all the time, falls while pottying, eating, trying to get comfyfor bed. But she is the nicest dog in the whole wide world! So happytoo. When I come home from work, she tries to jump up withjoy. She is on antibiotics for 3 weeks, then moving on tosteroids. The pups are perfectly healthy, but need to be heldin foster care until they can get all thier shots.

This breeder had over 120 dogs in her home, all needing medical care,and the filth is something like you would see on Animal Cops. She justlet it get out of hand and didn't know what to do. If only she wouldhave figured this out before it was too late.

By the way it is In His Hands Dog Rescue. We have a petfinder site, butthere isnt any dogs on at the moment. Adopted almost all of them outand we are just getting our pictures and bios together for what we havenow.
Thank you

I myself normally don't have more than 3 at a time. We have about 12 foster homes spread around Southwest VA.
As some of you may know, I adopted my mini-rexfrom Indiana House Rabbit Society, and yes we drove from Illinois toIndiana just for her!

Justgot Snuffles from a friend since I just lost my first bunalmost four weeks ago and he was their daughter's and she isn't homemuch anymore w/ sports and school, so a pic of him was all it took.

Got a cat early June that may have been dumped in the neighborhood, wewere out grilling on evening and here she came. I told myson, if he takes care of the litter pan. I had him go aroundthe neighborhood the next day and ask peeps if they lost a cat,apparently nobody did, or he didn't ask b/c he really wanted to keepthe cat. My husband loves her the most, I am partial to bybunnies!

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