Devious and desperate attempts to save animals

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Nov 30, 2005
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I have to use my friend Linda as the first ex.because she has pulled off so many schemes and saved so many animals.There was a dog living a few houses down from herthat waslinked to a short chain and kept outside 24/7. She first attempted totalk to the lady who totally blew her off so then she called animalcontrol. Animal control came out and said that the dog had food , waterand a house ..there was nothing they could do. This is when she hatchedher plan. Everyday she went through the alley and fed the dog (germanshepherd) hot dogs and made friends with him. Finally the dog knew herand really liked her....then one night (believe me I could not havedone this ..too chicken) she and her brother-in-law went to the housewith a chain cutter, freed the dog, put him in a car and drove all theway to Missouri to her brother's..he had always wantedashepherd. That dog lived with him many many yearsand was "the love of his life" dog. Anyway shortly after she did thisthe police called her home and asked her if she took the dog..this iswhat she said ....No I did not take the dog but I'm sure glad thatsomeone finally got that poor dog out of that horrible situation." Shetold me she was shaking but it ended there. End of story...........foreveryone young reading this I just want you to know that this is notreally the "correct" way to handle a situation like this but it is sortof funny is the same friend who hid the rabbitin her house and told her husband she found it in the backyard?? (forthose who didnt see this, here's the link:

She sounds like a riot! There are two bunnies at an orchardnear my house. I always go there to check on them because they are keptoutdoors. They arepretty well taken care of, but I worry whenthey're out in the heat etc. Anyway, I went there after hours one dayand I was so tempted to just lift the latch (its not locked) and snatchthem both up! I would never do it, but its fun to think about:)

Great stories!
I don't want to encourage illegal activity sodon't take them. Here is one of mine that I thinkisonRo somewhere. 2 guinea pigs in a Woolworth store withoutwater..I tell the the sales person and go day..two guineapigs in a Woolworth store without water I tell the manager,,next day Istart carrying one of those exercise water bottles into the store andwhen no one is around I give the guinea pigs water really fast.....Idid this every single day for at least a month before I was caught andtold I wasn't supposed to open the cages. I was so mad that I wasfoaming at the mouth I really went off on the woman,I mean I wasfurious. I bought the pigs because I knew I could never give them wateragain..then I went home and wrote a letter to a top manager of thechain of stores. As it turned out the female guinea was pregnant and Iended up with a family of four.
wow..good for you! I always make sure when I go to stores that I check the water levels of the animals.

I always try and speak to the manager and they just look at me like Imcrazy. I wish I could buy them all up. Some of those places just makeme sick..
I've only rescued one bun, but here's her story:

and this, too

She's about 8lbs now, and so healthy that people find it quite surprising she was a rescue!

Here's her Bunny Blog, too:

To give you an idea of her size now, she's longer than that pink"Chewb" you can see in some of the pics with her!:) She's my big little bunny! :D

I guess in all, it wasn't a desperate rescue, because the guy just gaveher to me...but SHE was quite desperate to have a better home, that'sfor sure!! :D

I dont know if you guys have ever seen my blogabout Mr. Tumnus and how he was a rescue. Itisbothdevious,and alsovery very desperate.

A neighbor girl told me he was running loose outside and had beenliving there for a month or so. She told me he was fine, and they fedhim and everything. I was freaked because its a very wooded area andbesides cats and dogs, I know there are lots of other predator animalswho would love an easy lunch.

I thought his "rescue" would be easy, but he had come to be very waryof anyone or anything. He let me get close the first time, but way. I knew his days were numbered, so I got out the fishingnet and hoped for the best. After chasing him around for a few days(and definitely alienating him from me and all humans) I decided Iwould have to use traps. I spent loads of money on new traps, 4 total,and placed them around his area.

Well, we caught lots of raccoons, opossums,etc..but no Tumnus. Finally,after a week of putting out food, checking on him, checking andresetting the traps etc, I figured I would have one last go with thenets. I rounded up my dad, brother, and boyfriend and we allwent out to catch the littler man. We thought we would never took us about 3 hours of chasing, running and nearly passingout from exertion, but we were able to get the little bugger.

And thats how he got his name, Mr. Tumnus, after the Narnia character,because he was living and frolicking around in the woods, unaware ofthe dangers that awaited him.

The devious part is that I recently found out who he belonged to. Theyhad apparently let him out to play in their backyard, unnattended. Theysaw he was missing, heard a sqeal, and thought he had been eaten. Theydidnt even go looking for him. They are crap animal owners and Ifigured after all I went through they dont deserve him back. Im awful,I know, but I didnt even tell them I found him. He's mine now, and hasthe best home anyone could ever give him.
Yes, I edited it because I felt I should admitthe devious part. I have never told anyone about that until now (I dofeel awful, but oh well :))
Haley wrote:
about 3 hours of chasing, running and nearlypassing out from exertion, but we were able to get the littlebugger.
I wouldn't know what to do if Iwas chasing him like that.So how did you finally catchhim and pick him up?

Rainbows! :)
I say if they didn't bother to go out and lookfor him, they don't deserve to own him. Who knows what fate wouldbefall him if you were to return him to them.

Besides, it's what's best for the Tumnus not who paid for him at thepetstore that counts. At least that's what Loki and I believe. Loki wasalso found wandering out on his own. I like to think he was lost andnot released.

t and Loki:colors:


Pet_Bunny wrote:
Haley wrote:
about3 hours of chasing, running and nearly passing out from exertion, butwe were able to get the little bugger.
I wouldn't know what to do if Iwas chasing him like that.So how did you finally catchhim and pick him up?

Rainbows! :)
We had to net him!Thatswhy is was so hard bc he wasrunning back and forthon these neighbor's property and hekept going in these semi-wooded areas where there wasno waytolift the net (i think they were minnow nets).finally,we had him surrounded and my dad sat there with thenet on the ground..when Tumnus ranhis way, he was able toturnit overhim.

I had to be careful though..I thought he might have a heart attack fromall the excitement. Im glad it worked out, but I hope to god I neverhave to do that again!
Your first story is very similar to someone living next door to my friends house!

The lady has two German shephers in her garden, and they are both insmall cages and can hardly move. They never go out of theircages atall but have food and water.

Their hedges all round her house are so high, just because she doesnt want anybody seeing her dogs.

She recently bought a small toy dog, but she takes it for a walk twiceaday down the lane. But she has had these German Shepherdsfor almost 14 years and they have never been on a walk in their lifes.

My friend can see them in their garden from her bedroom window.

Its just so sad to see these dogs like this, but nobody can do anything about it.

What really pee's me off is that on their cars they have stickers allover them saying " I love German Shepherd dogs" etc :XHow canyou!


They live oposite my local vets too!

(I only found out about the dogs living in small cages about 6 monthsago. When ever I walk past their house the dogs always barkfrom the garden, but I didnt assume they were in cages! :()

Oh! I just remembered...I did one formy sister's dog, too. It was quite desperate, since I reallyrisked my relationship with her to do it.

See Daisy's story here:

I'm happy to report that she's still fine health-wise...but is stillliving in that h-e-double-hockey-sticks my sister calls abackyard. Maybe I'll volunteer (if it won't be offending) tocome over and have my husband and I till, regenerate the dirt, andplant some grass in their backyard. Hmm...wonder if thatwould go over well. They've never done anything to it becausethey have the quandry of what to do with the two dogs while the grasstakes root, and that they really consistantly dig holes, so they're ata bit of a loss. Argh...

Anyway, she didn't die, which is the best thing, though I still wish Ihad a huge house to take the two pups in. They really deservea huge backyard and toys and laughter and love. It's mine andmy husband's intention, and hopefully we can do it in time for them tohave a nice end to their lives.
OMG Maherwoman..that story was the best of allof almost had me crying. I can't believe that someone relatedto you could be so horrible to animals (but thats life) wouldreally take COURAGE to call on a family member but that was great thatyou did it. I wish that you had the dogs instead of her.
Believe me, so do I!! I love thosepuppies...they're so sweet and wonderful, and are so left behind inlove and attention...I feel so bad for them! :(

Like I said, hopefully within a year or two my husband and I will beable to buy a house that has a good sized backyard so we can offer totake them in. Of course, we'll let them know that it's ourintention while we're house-hunting, so it doesn't come as a shock tothem, and they don't refuse, when we've paid the huge price you have toin order to get a decent-sized backyard here in Southern California!

I hope we are able to get a house soon...I SO BADLY want to rescue the poor dears!!

angieluv wrote:
I wish that you had the dogs instead of her.
Good story Rosie! You are awesome for doingthat. I wish more people had that kind of courage...just a phone callcan save a life.

Even though the SPCAdidnt have to do anything, it probablymade your sister aware of her responsibility as a pet owner.

Goodjob, girl!

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