I have to use my friend Linda as the first ex.because she has pulled off so many schemes and saved so many animals.There was a dog living a few houses down from herthat waslinked to a short chain and kept outside 24/7. She first attempted totalk to the lady who totally blew her off so then she called animalcontrol. Animal control came out and said that the dog had food , waterand a house ..there was nothing they could do. This is when she hatchedher plan. Everyday she went through the alley and fed the dog (germanshepherd) hot dogs and made friends with him. Finally the dog knew herand really liked her....then one night (believe me I could not havedone this ..too chicken) she and her brother-in-law went to the housewith a chain cutter, freed the dog, put him in a car and drove all theway to Missouri to her brother's..he had always wantedashepherd. That dog lived with him many many yearsand was "the love of his life" dog. Anyway shortly after she did thisthe police called her home and asked her if she took the dog..this iswhat she said ....No I did not take the dog but I'm sure glad thatsomeone finally got that poor dog out of that horrible situation." Shetold me she was shaking but it ended there. End of story...........foreveryone young reading this I just want you to know that this is notreally the "correct" way to handle a situation like this but it is sortof funny