death of an entire litter at one week of age

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The nest in the corner was fine. A nestbox is used as the domestic species of rabbit is descended from thewild European rabbit which nests underground. Most rabbitswill choose the box as it resembles an underground warren.

We putwoodshavings or newspaper in the bottom of the box andpack it with hay or straw. Mommy will dig in it to make adepression and pull hair to line it.

pamnock wrote:
I amso sorry to hear about the loss of the babies : ( That's soupsetting to the kids when this happens with their pets.

Regarding cleaning the nesting area: The kits depend on thescent to keep them in the nesting area, so it is not advised toentirely clean it out (just remove the wet bedding).Bacterial infections can develop in a very dirty nesting area, but ifthe babies were not wet or dirty, I wouldn't suspect that they diedfrom the nest not being cleaned.

I would suspect a possible viral infection that led to a bacterialinfection. It doesn't sound like you did anything wrong. Ifit was extrememly hot, the weather could have been a factor.

You should check the doe for mastitis (mammary gland infection).


Pam,you're our very own LagamorphSuperhero!


I'm not kidding!

Who do you go to when no one else knows???

? ?PAMNOCK,of?course!!??? ?



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