Deaf? Blind?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2004
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Lately every time I come near Iszy she doesn't even notice I'm there. And then when I reach down to pet her she jumps. Do you think something is wrong with her eyesight or hearing? I'm afraid one of these times I'm going to give her a heart attack.
It does sound as though she's having problems with one of her senses, Lissa. You could take her to the vet and have her could also try some tests of your own, such as standing behind her when she doesn't know you're there and clapping your hands together loudly...or shouting out in a very loud voice (anything that doesn't make a vibration that she will feel). This might clue you in to whether or not she is having a hearing problem. As far as sight, could stand behind her, then slowly work your way into her peripheral vision and see if she responds. The best bet though, if you're concerned, is to have your vet assess her.

A friend of mine had a dachshund many years ago who was totally blind, but she didn't even realize it until one day when she was visiting at my house. The dogs were out in the yard, and we noticed Oinky (yeah, that was her name...LOL) twice walk directly into a lawn chair. That's when she took her to the vet and discovered that Oinky was blind, and probably had been for quite a while. It's amazing how animals can adapt so quickly to such 'disabilities' and make up for them...

Having said that though, I'm still sending loving thoughts and prayers Iszy's way, and hope that all is well... :)

Thank you. I have a call into the vet. I will try those exercises that you told me.
I hope your bunny is ok. Is she an old rabbit? Have you noticed any changes if you look closely at her eyes, for example cloudiness? I don't know if it happens in rabbits but I have seen older dogs and had a rat that got cataracts later in life and it makes their eyes look kind of cloudy. Hope nothing is wrong but if it is try not to worry animals can adapt really well to changes in their senses in my experience.
Lissa, it does sound like Pandemonium, but truthfully I wouldn't worry too much if she is.:)I know it's hard to get used to the idea that she can't respond to your voice or by sight--whichever or both--but I've found that I can interact with Pandemonium and she continues to be hersame colorful loving self. I think it's because their sense of smell influences them so much, so even without being able to see and hear, she can still know it's me. I haven't noticed her to ever slow down or be unhappy in any way, and I still talk to her as if she can hear me.

It more changes how you interact with her--announcing your presence with vibrations (think thump thump) rather than voice, or keeping things in the same spot, etc. I notice Pandemonium can "hear" a helicopter before anyone else, but can't pick up my voice--so they are really sensitive to vibrations. If Iszy's startling when touched, she's probably deaf, because otherwise she could hear you even if she couldn't see you. Does that make sense? I can walk behind Pandmonium and she hasn't the foggiest clue I'm there until SWOOP! she's caught.;)She can see a little, but not much, and I'm pretty sure she can't hear anything at all.


What is pandemonium? I never heard of that. I did a few home tests on Iszy. I still don't know. I might have to take her to the vet to confirm, but I think she's losing her eyesight. I can almost touch her eyeballs without her flinching. :(
Lissa - Pandemonium is her rabbit. I hope you get everything checked out, maybe she is just so relaxed in your house she doesn't notice you going up to her!!

mummybunny xx
Lissa wrote:
What is pandemonium? I never heard of that. I did a few home tests on Iszy. I still don't know. I might have to take her to the vet to confirm, but I think she's losing her eyesight. I can almost touch her eyeballs without her flinching. :(
I can do that with Mocha- maybe she just trusts you?

I know it seems really scary to you, but blind bunnies get around really well- Amy's Nimue is blind too.
Lissa..I just thought that one of the puppies at the shelter was deaf and it turned out he wasn't. He was just much slower to respond than the other puppies . Even if Izzy was lossing his hearing he would still be happy and contented. You would just need to let him see you and touch him more than talk to him. I doubt that he is losing his sight too..maybe you are really worried. My first rabbit Sheba lost her sight but she knew my apt. so well it didn't seem to bother her.
I think if it were a trust issue, she wouldn't be so scared when I came up behind her. Don't you think it's quite strange that she freaks out when I come up to her?
Lissa wrote:
I think if it were a trust issue, she wouldn't be so scared when I came up behind her. Don't you think it's quite strange that she freaks out when I come up to her?
Not really, because Pandemonium does the same thing. As soon as she smells me, it's ok, but she will go into crazy panic if startled. Have you done any hearing tests at home, or just eyes? Do you know if this is something recent or just that you noticed it now? I didn't notice anything funny about Pandemonium until she was about one, when one day Irealized she wouldn't wake to my voice. Then when she was two I started to see the blue haze of cataracts. She's not totally blind, but I don't think she can see much.

One thing I noticed about her is that she's so much more relaxed than her brother. When she sleeps, it's like out cold, not that light doze that rabbits do in case they need to get away from danger. She lives in her own silent fuzzy little bubble, and she's so happy. I also notice that her emotions are very obvious and expressive--you always know what she's thinking. She's very different from the normal rabbit--I think it's because she was probably deaf since birth.

This is Pandemonium, btw.:)


The fact that she startles when you come up behind her makes me think it might bea hearing issue, because most rabbits don't have to see you to know someone is there--you'll see their ears flick back. Like her brother Fenwick: when he's out running, and I'm trying to sneak up on him, he lets me get only so close before he takes off without looking back. Pandemonium, on the other hand: she doesn't know I'm there until I grab her, when she turns into a whirling angry ball of fur and claws. "No! No! No! No wanna go in!"

What kind of things have you tried to test her with?

Hi Lissa!

Good advice and suggestions have already been given by the other members. I don't have any experince with deaf/blind animals, but I noticed something in the past week that might relate to this situation.
Binkie had surgery and now has been wearing a collar/hood for the past week. The hood impairs her vision. I also impairs her hearing, because the hood mushes her lop ears closer to her head. Whenever I approach her she freaks out unless she's facing me. If her back or side is to me andI touch her, she goes into a panick. Not so if she is facing me. If she's facing me she will stay calm and will come over to see if I have any treats. I just thought this was interesting and might be of interest.

Hope Izzy is doing okay today!!

Have you done any hearing tests at home, or just eyes? Do you know if this is something recent or just that you noticed it now?

I've noticed that she doesn't spazz out as much as she used to. For example, with the vacuum cleaner. She used to be deathly afraid of the vacuum cleaner and now she lets me clean right up to her feet. This could be a comfort thing so I disregarded that. It's when she started running into me and jumping when I came down to pet her when I started thinking that something was wrong. This has been going on for over a month now.

What kind of things have you tried to test her with?

I tried some hearing tests such as making a loud noise and seeing if she responds. She responded quite well. So I don't think it's her hearing. As far as vision testing, I've put a few treats down on the floor. She found them right away. I'm not sure if this is accurate, as rabbits have very keen senses of smell. I also took a q-tip to her eye. I didn't touch the eye, but got as close as I could with it. She didn't flinch. Both eyes are very irritated. They have almost always been this way...possibly allergies/sensitive eyes. The white in her eyes is unusual towards the top of the head...almost bluish. Note sure if that has anything to do with anything. I did not yet shine a flashlight in her eyes to see if they dilate. I'll do that tonight.

Thanks Rose. You've been a great help.

angieluv wrote:
What did Izzy do originally, before you thought that there was a problem, when you came up behind him?
She has always been a very attentive, nervous bunny. So having her so relaxed and unresponsive is very unusual.
If she was nervous before there must be something wrong...especiallyif she is running into you. Is her balance OK? Maybe there is some connection between both symptoms.(ears and eyes). One of my rabbits is so afraid of me from clipping his teeth that sometimes when he seees me he takes off so fast he runs into boxes etc in an attempt to flee.In stead of trying a loud noise behind her why don't you try a moderate sound like a wind chime. If she is losing her hearing then she may still react to loudness....I think the blue at the top of the eye could just be the third eyelid. It shows more on some rabbits and almost not at all on some. When my first rabbit Sheba got glacuoma I went to an animal opthamologist in Chicago. She said that if a rabbit is frightened their pupils won't constrict. She told me to take Sheba home and when she was calm to test her eyes with a flashlight..if they didn't constrict it meant the glacuoma was too bad to do surgery..
I don't think that the blue in her eye is a third eye lid. The third eye lids are located in the corner towards the nose. Pristine's eyes are clear and that's what makes me think that something is wrong with Iszy's. I'm going to call the vet again today.

Thanks everyone for all your help.

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