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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
I'm so excited!!! Bo hasn't done DBFs (dead bunny flops) much since he was a little baby! He'll flop, but usually he stretches out on his tummy.

TWICE today we saw him flopped with his head down and teeth showing while he slept! He was so happy! and it made my heart melt!

Anyone else not get to see this often from their bunnies?
What breed do you have? I've noticed that mini-rex have unique personality (disorders I say lol) traits.

Bo is almost "uppity" sometimes LOL!

Just a second ago I let Heidi out to play and she was running around the Xpen. I reached in to pet her and she went into the box they have in there and thumped at me! :shock:My other two have NEVER thumped at me like that! Bo will only thump if he sees something scary (we had a mouse get into the house!) or if there is an evil strawberry invading his space!
Yep! That's like Bo. He's so serious about most everything. Even his binkies are sort of reserved.

When he fluffs blankies, it's like he is working on some major project that needs his devoted attention - DO NOT BUG HIM! :pOf course we pester him and move the blankets around - he loves it.
Hmmm Wiggles is a mini-rex but she has a very silly character. She's very playful. I must admit that I have not seen her flop in a long while though. When she was younger, all I had to do was pass my hand on her side and "flop". Lol. She's been doing a lot of binkies this week now that she has recovered. She does give much more attitude than my other two though so you are right on the thumping. LOL.

As far as my other two, they binky a lot but I don't see many flops either. Dahlia flopped every 2 seconds as a baby. She was hilarious to watch. :p
Bo is silly, don't get me wrong. He's just serious about a lot of stuff. When he's playing he's a goofball!

I SWEAR that he thinks I will believe his stuffed puppy has done the mess in his litterbox if it's really dirty (like if we miss one night).... He always throws him in there like it was the puppy going poop! LOL!

Sometimes I think he's just really, really smart!

He binkies all over but hides in boxes to see if we can find him. :huhI'll say "where's my bunny?!" several times and then POP! he comes out and binkies and takes off shaking his ears like he's fooled me and it's soooo funny!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Yep! That's like Bo. He's so serious about most everything. Even his binkies are sort of reserved.

When he fluffs blankies, it's like he is working on some major project that needs his devoted attention - DO NOT BUG HIM! :pOf course we pester him and move the blankets around - he loves it.

Bugs and Peter definitely are reserved, andalmost always looklike they're posing. They have free reign of the house and they know they're safe, but I never see them close their eyes, either.

Peter gets into building construction projects with his pillows. He actually likes to stack them. He flips them over and nudges them on top of each other, and then when he's done, he'll just sit there for a couple minutes admiring his work, and then turn around and hop away. It cracks me up. His brother, Bugs, can't be bothered. --He just looks at Peter like "whatever".
Gordon! That sounds SO much like Bo! I haven't seen him with his eyes closed except for when I hold him and he is getting cheek rubs! If he's just laying around like a meatloaf he's got his eyes at least slightly open! and he also knows he's safe!

Bo does the building projects also! We call it his work! He works to fluff the blankies and if there are pillows - well that's all the better! Bo is not free around the house. Too many areas to get hurt. He does have a large cage and a room that he can play in freely while supervised a bit. He also plays in the xpen with and without clover.

Clover thinks he needs to chill out and play. He thinks he must dig to China and escape the cell he shares with a psycho bunny. :pIf that doesn't work - he will try to stack bags and boxes to go over the fence so to speak......
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Gordon! That sounds SO much like Bo! I haven't seen him with his eyes closed except for when I hold him and he is getting cheek rubs! If he's just laying around like a meatloaf he's got his eyes at least slightly open! and he also knows he's safe!
Peter and Bugs like to meatloaf next to each other. They are very much a pair. Peter has been having some sneezing issues, and Bugs will come up to him and nudge his nose, like, "hey bud, are you ok?".
He was doing one today and heard me walk in and he raised his head. :X I think he's just worried he might miss a treat if he sleeps when I am around! :p

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