Dark hair in a tangled mess..

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
..this is a jumble of stuff.. so here goes.

Mallory will be rehomed...

If you know anything about Mallory, he is evil incarnate, and detests anything with skin and that walks on 2 legs. Cousin Eddie the Evil Rabbit Overlord has this uppity sister he hates, he refers to her as his *Mother's Daughter*. I personally love Eljean and her Husband Tony.. uppity or not. She was my baby sitter as a child and I refer to her as *Jean Jean* Eljean and Tony built what we refer to as Vidor's Tara (The Plantation house in Gone With The Wind) Basically it is 2 stories. 4 columns, 2,400 sq ft on the 1st floor and 2,400 sq ft on the 2nd floor, with wrap around veranda on both floors. All of their kids have married and moved off so it's just her and Tony. She came over to bring Blake a late birthday gift, and Mallory was out and about, and he marched right up to her, parked himself in her lap, and sought out lovins. We even put him up, and let her go else where in the house and he went right to her. So, they spent this weekend ripping up the carpet in one room, putting down linoleum, putting up plastic baseboards, and Tony the carpenter is constructing some sort of HUGE jungle gym-ish thing in the middle of the room. The TV that's wall mounted also stays.

Mallory will have a sucky life..

All of my rabbits are doing faboo with the exception of one buck. As it were, I have 2 pens. One of juvie bucks, and one of what we thought were juvie does. We went in the rabbitry, and one of the does *family jewels* were displayed all fine as you please...so obviously he was miss-sexed. When I went to check every one elses sex, that's when the accident happened. On my caged each door has these sort of latches that keeps the rabbits inside from opening the cages.. this bucks flipped and flopped and I thought he caught his eye on the wire..blood everywhere. None of us wanted to look.. once I cleaned him up.. he basically just caught the edge of his eyelid. I have seen worse injuries in the nestbox from them crawling on each other. He is currently in the house,onantibiotics,enjoying his cilantro and carrots and nanners and prolly wishing he would have carried on like an idiot sooner.

Blake has moved on to a new girlfriend.. Nikki the cheerleader. They have pet names for each other, and all hours of the night and day I hear his cell phone go off.. which BTW, his ringer is the General Lee horn... which gets annoying at 3 am.. this is what I hear ALL THE DANGED TIME.. *I love you more, no I love you more.. no I love you more.. no I love you more..* GAG!!!!! The nicknames? Camo Spankies for her and he is known as Nostrils... I don't wanna know why..

Christian was given a set of drums by my friend Ben.. he also taught him how to do a drum roll, which he practices all the time.. so essentially, from my living room, it sounds as if a member of the English Nobility is being executed every few minutes somewhere in the back of my house.

Ben also took me to a Chinese buffet. When I was a tot, going out to eat was a treat, I behaved accordingly. I knew better than to wail and holler and carry on. Apparently some parents today don't subscribe to that notion. Is it just me, or am I insane to think that it's crazy to pay $28.40 for 2 people to enjoy a meal and expect to eat it in peace and not have to listen to your simpering brat scream? If your child can't behave..leave. Don't subject us to your poor parenting skills, and have us waste our money.

My ac went out... they wanted $800 to drop the unit and clean the coils, and then there was no guarantee that was the problem. So I spent $500 and bought some window units, and now it's an arctic tundra, and even the rabbits are asking for hoodies.

Blake broke Ty's nose.. with his big toe... neither one of them will tell us how.. and all Taylor will do is laugh like an idiot and say *ask them*

Stormy the ex girlfriend has been convicted of crimes against us.. the Sirmons, The Edwards, and has been banished forthwith, although being executed like a member of the English Nobility prolly is everybody's punishment of choice right now..

Now for the big news..

I have had to bow out of Atorres wedding. What I am about to tell you all, I am not revealing because I want pity or handouts or anything. I am simply letting you all know why I will be MIA some, or tired, or slow to respond. I do in fact have breast cancer, and I see my oncologist tommorrow at 2:30 to map out my course of treatment. As much as I have that love hate relationship with Lisa Edwards.. she has INSISTED she is taking me..

Scared.. somewhat.. but I will be ok.. I feel deep down in myself that I will be. I tell myself the recovery rate from Stage 1 is very high, and the fact is.. it is.. I am healthy.. and I should do well. As I said, I feel within myself, that I will be fine.

I will keep my friends posted.. you may email at [email protected], or my myspace www.myspace.com/lotr_dork

Something stupid.. I decided tonight that my toes needed to be perfectly painted tonight before I went to the doctor tommorrow.. so 3 hours later and it's 3:25.. here I sit..LOL

Me and my weirdness..

Oh Zin! I am so sorry to hear you will be fighting breast cancer. When you get the details, let me know. My sister inlaw just went through the entire thing! I wish I were there to help you! I'm going to find out why my cell won't work at home and maybe I can talk to you! or I might have to drive up the road and phone from the car! Wow, that's actually a good idea since i Could actually talk without someone saying "MOM! who is that?" or "Mom will you get off the phone so you can look at this?"......

I got the impression that M & M were unbonded and Mal was a big turd at best! LOL! I am so happy they are going to spoil the little beast! I knew they wanted a pet before! and they will truly love him! Plus he will have a better room than most of us, huh? Yeah, life sounds horrible......

Tell Nostrils that he has to be a big help while you are fighting this..... or I will come down and kick his Nostrils! ;)

Oh boy. Drums......... :shock:
Zin, huge hugs. Sent you a PM. I am a 4 year survivor, Stage 2B. Considered 'lucky' by all the doctor's. Ha ha ha.

You will survive, thrive, bloom and live to see your great grandchildren growing up. If you think otherwise, I will come down to Texas and kick your butt!

No, you don't have my pity as I think that's destructive. You certainly do have my support in any wayI can provide it.


PS I hate cancer. It is a sh*tty disease in all its forms. People go all quiet when you say 'the C word'. Like they are afraid they will catch it if they even say it. One good thing - it gives you a strange power over peole to say 'the C word'. Sometimes when I get sick and go to the doctor's and they want to dismiss me as an old fart, Iinvoke 'the C word' and then they fall all over themselves finding the current problem and fixing. Everyone always says 'you don't look like you have//had cancer....Dumb but good for a laugh. What are we supposed to look like - green and purple with horns and tails? Remember to laugh....
Hi Zin. I am sorry to hear that you are having a rough time right now. I will keep you in my prayers. Just remember, good thoughts bring healing. I know this might sound New-agey (heck I'm kinda New-agey I guess) but whenever I am ill, I always close my eyes and envision a bright green ball of light that has healing powers, and I envision it over the spot where I'm hurt. I did that everyday for weeks after a few sports injuries and my endo diagnosis. You'll be amazed how much better you feel after it!

From having a lot of people in my friends and family go through this, I'm not going to preach but just say the 1 thing that helps is to try to stay positive. I saw the opposite from my best friend's mom, who survived and is now thriving after stage 1 breast cancer, but didn't do so well during treatment mentally. But I have faith that you'll be ok. I'll pray and mediate for you and send good vibes to Texas.

BTW, my one friend who is a wonderful lady, was diagnosed with a stronger type of lung cancer and I never saw such courage (BTW, she survived and is back at work). When she entered a room, she radiated positive vibes. Everyone just wanted to be around her. We talked about her chemo and stuff and I remember she said "Why am I going to get myself so upset over something that I really can't control?" And one other thing, she told me a plus (if there is such athing) about her chemo. Born a natural ash brunette, chemo has now changed her to a natural honey blonde! I love this woman. :inlove:

As for the Blake and Ty incident, boys will be boys huh? My sister and I had a similair incident which involved a black eye (swollen shut). We didn't want to tell my parents at first either but it eventually came out. She was doing cartwheels in the living room and I stood up from the couch and BAM! Her heel went right into my right eye. So, squinting and crying, I chased her around the house and pulled her down by her hair. Needless to say, we were both hurting, but I got to miss a day of school, as my parents didn't want people thinking I was abused. Nope, just a sister's heel in my eye socket. :innocent

And regarding the nail painting...I always try to pick out cute socks with Hello Kitty, bunnies, etc when I go to the OB/GYN. :tongueWell, by the time the doc comes in, all you're wearing are a smock, a smile (or grimace)and your cute socks!
I love our members here! You all have such great attitudes!

Zin, my SIL went from perfectly straight hair to curly as hell hair! LOL!

Of course you need good toenails! :shock:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I love our members here! You all have such great attitudes!

Zin, my SIL went from perfectly straight hair to curly as hell hair! LOL!

Of course you need good toenails! :shock:
Ha! Gotta' tell ya', my hair went from graying auburn to almost white. That's ok causeI started automatically getting the senior discount at age 48. Anything to save money....
Oh no Zin sorry to hear this! But I have full confidence that a tough Cookie like you will beat the cancer. You will get great support from RO. :group:

And sounds like Mallory is going to have a great life in his new home. :D
zin I am so sorry that you were diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I dont know you all that well but from what i have read and see here you are STRONG, and you are a fighter, and you will get through this. HHUUUGGGSSSS
I hope that you will find time to come visit RO and let us know how you are doing. May you find strength in your friends and family to support you during this time.
Zin, that news stinks,:shock:... but you're gonna do great! Positive attitude is really important.( My mom's a 15 year survivor.) I'll be sending prayers and healing vibes your way, 24/7!

We're all behind you... :group:and we're all here for you.

(ummm... I perfectly understand having to do your toenails before the doctor visit... )
Hey i just had one of my bizarre thoughts. If Zin ever needs a chemo wig, maybe it will be made from Alicia's donated hair. How cool would that be?
HUGSHUGS! I'm so sorry to hear you are dealing with breast cancer. I hope you will get through it without any problems. I just hope you will stay safe!


You will be in my thoughts and prayrs!

~ Lexi

Hey Zin...you've got my good thoughts and prayers as you go through this season of your life. Your strength of heart will guide you through this, and your strength of character will help others learn how this situation is dealt with.

As far as pity goes, I'll save it for folks who have a choice as to their circumstances and choose to seek pity instead of taking the bull by the horns and doing something about whatever the circumstances happen to be. To me , those are the ones who need the most pity.

And, geez, tell Blake to turn the phone on vibrate after 11....that's what I've had to do with Michael....I don't wanna hear all that gooey "ooo, I love it when the moon splashes off your shoulders...." crap:vomit:

Take care of yourself, and let others take care of you during this time. And I'm glad you didn't go to the docs with naked toes....that would've been scandalous...or would that be sandalous??? Sorry, dumb pun...thirty lashes with a wet noodle....Grace

Zin, I wish you all the best in your treatment - I am sure with your strength of character, and incredible sense of humour, things will turn out just fine.

I hear you on the parents that let their kids ruin other people's nights out. John is one of eight and his Dad used to tell them when they went out for a meal "sit still and move nothing but your eyes". I was once a restaurant hostess, and there was a kid running around the restaurant while his parents took no notice. Somehow, he managed to trip over my foot (I swear it was an accident :biggrin2:) and he went flying across the floor. Sure stopped him from running around!!!

And Mallory was just waiting for the right person to come along to suck up to them - not a dumb bunny, that one!

Zin, when I read your other thread and you mentioned that you were dealing with another issue, for some strange reason this is exactly what I thought it would be. You know, I think the worst part about finding out you have cancer is actually being told. After that you absorb the news, go through treatments, and then life takes over again.

Been there, done that...I can't say that exactly, as I didn't have breast cancer, but I did go through a cancer diagnosis and treatments five years ago. And it wasn't stage 1. I didn't want to know the stage, though the doctor's faces pretty much told me where I was at. And at the same time, there were 3 women - well, within months of each other if not exactly the same time - all diagnosed with breast cancer, all three at different stages. It seemed I was surrounded by people being diagnosed...not only those 3, but also the husband of one of those women was diagnosed with cancer a month later, and my friend's brother was diagnosed with the same cancer I had, a couple of months after me.

And I have to say, for all that I went through...it had to be one of the funniest times of my life. I could write a book about the mixups at the hospital; the night-and-day attitudes of the two doctors I had - radiologist and oncologist, they couldn't have been more different; the nurses who were there for me; the ones who got mad at me (life lesson #228: never piss off a nurse who's about to insert a PICC line!); the nutritionish who didn't seem to know anything (I swear, she probably thought Big Macs were classified under health food), and all of the wonderful people in between.

If you're up to it, I'd suggest you keep a daily journal. In looking back, I so wish I had, as many of the small details of daily life are now lost in the recesses of my memory. Once you go are finished with this part of your life, it will be nice to go back and remember....believe me, there is so much humor in going through hospital procedures, you will want to chronicle it. ;) (For me, it began when the doctor and hospital staff made all the arrangements for me to go to the hospital a day before treatments began...but they forgot to tell me about it. They also forgot to schedule an appt for me to see the radiologist to even know the course of treatment. Now really, how far did they think they would get if I wasn't even invited to the show?)

Big hugs to ya Zin...though you know you're already 3/4 of the way through it already...having a sense of humor and the ability to laugh will carry you the rest of the way. :)

I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, Z. But hey! You're a Texas gal! Cancer wouldn't dare take you down. You'll wup it, no problem.

Big :hug:and lots of :heartbeat:to you while you get through this. PM me anytime if you want to talk.
I don't know how I missed this, I'm sorry!

I'm so sorry to hear about your news... I don't know you well at all, but your threads have always highly amused me, although sometimes confused/scared me a little lol :p (I guess I don't understand a lot of things Texan!) You come across as such a strong person though, and I just want to wish you all the very best with your treatment. I will be thinking of you. Reading others' stories of survival, I am sure that one day soon we will be reading yours here too :)


Jen xx:hug:
Zin, I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. That really sucks. Hopefully you'll do as well as my aunt did last fall. They caught it early enough that she didn't need chemo and she's doing great now. It's a rough thing to go through but we're here for you.

Well I appreaciate all your thoughts and well wishes...

Blake is acting like im some delicate flower now.. to which I reminded him that I beat him with a feed bucket 3 days ago...

I know that sounds incredibly mean, I didn't actually *beat him*but he was mad, and I asked for the bucket, and he threw it at me instead of handing it as I asked..so I * handed it back* in the same manner...like 5 times...

He now knows the proper way to hand me a feed bucket.

Christian is skeered im gonna die, and he said * well.. I don't want you to die, because I love you, and Daddy doesn't pick out cool clothes, and I will miss you, and the bathroom won't be as clean anymore, and I only know 2 other beings that died and I miss them bunches, but at least if you do die, Jarred will be there to make you laugh and Bones will be there for you to pet.*

That made me cry..Christian doesn't logically reason that there is various stages and a great medical advancements. In his 10 year old mind, he hears the dreaded C word and thinks the worst. I hate that..

Something that does get me to thinking, family history aside.. me.. then my next door neighbor has prostate cancer. then the other side of them has breast cancer, then the other side of them has breast cancer and their daughter has a brain tumor, and the other side of them has ovarian cancer and then the empty house and the other side of them the lady has pancreatic cancer..I am in the process of doing some research in this area...we have alot of refineries in the area. I am interested in statistics and stuff...

I am feeling very Erin Brokovich-ish!

Thanks again all.. I love you guys for the support!