Bo B Bunny
Well-Known Member
Hannah wrote:

(turned out the raccoon was a pet and we found his owner by some miracle!)
Good idea! I did something like that when I was akid. I used 2 laundry baskets.... and caught raccoon. My mom's face when she got home from work and there was a raccoon eating Campbell soup in a basket ..... on her kitchen counter!!!! PRICELESS!Gabby wrote:....... rabbit running free.. Any tips from anyone on how to catch a rabbit who I guess has been roaming a neighborhood freely fo ay least 6 months???? not sure it will be possible, but I'll call back....
Don't Know if anyone replied yet, you could try getting a wire cage, or something like that, place it outside, put some pellets and hay in it,get the rabbit to go in it. Once the rabbit has gone in it a few times,you could attach a string to the door of the cage, and bring it into your house, watch and see what time the rabbit is at the cage. then pull the door shut when rabbit is in the cage. Worked for meHappy trying, Hannah
(turned out the raccoon was a pet and we found his owner by some miracle!)