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Yep, I know what you mean about having heard/readthose things that just kinda ruin your mood for the rest of theday. I had one of those days yesterday.

I'm so glad Daphnee is being a turd! that means she has some energy to throw stuff around. LOL!

We used to put pills in cheese for our dogs and they would eat it LOL!

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Yep, I know what you mean about having heard/read thosethings that just kinda ruin your mood for the rest of theday. I had one of those days yesterday.

I'm so glad Daphnee is being a turd! that means she has some energy to throw stuff around. LOL!

We used to put pills in cheese for our dogs and they would eat it LOL!
my moods run so high and low lately quite quickly, aot of it has to dowith having 2 sick animals, and tryingto plan moving.. ok majority, andsome just is normal, hearing things makes one grouchy.. Sorryto hear you were sharing the mood...its not a fun place to be at.

And yes Daphnee is coming into her own, behaving like a lilbrat LOL...she has started chewing too.. good though,hopefully this means she'll wear down her teeth... no more towels forthat bad girl lol

tHats untill you meet that to cleaver dog who sucks the cheese off the pill and spits the pill out:p
Oh yes, we had a dog who did that all the time LOL! We found the pills hidden in laundry LOL!

I hope things get less stressful for you. My sister isseriously ill in the hospital right now. It's frustratingbecause they can't really find what's causing the problem.She's been in and out of the hosp. 3 times since the new year.

So, that with a sick kid and other stuff irritating me..... I had enough LOL!

Maybe this week will be better!

Oh, no, is she chewing towels? :(

Sounds like she's healing and feeling better. I can't believethe bones actually moved either... that's weird! I would have imaginedit would eat away the bones myself. She's still a pretty girltho. I'm anxious to see her newer pics :)
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Oh yes, we had a dog who did that all the time LOL! We foundthe pills hidden in laundry LOL!

I hope things get less stressful for you. My sister isseriously ill in the hospital right now. It's frustratingbecause they can't really find what's causing the problem.She's been in and out of the hosp. 3 times since the new year.

So, that with a sick kid and other stuff irritating me..... I had enough LOL!

Maybe this week will be better!

Oh, no, is she chewing towels? :(

Sounds like she's healing and feeling better. I can't believethe bones actually moved either... that's weird! I would have imaginedit would eat away the bones myself. She's still a pretty girltho. I'm anxious to see her newer pics :)
aww sorry to hear your siister is ill. I hope they find a reason for itsoon, and a cure what ever the ailment may be. it's also thetime of year that many people get moody and depressed, with the winterweather, lack of sunshine, and the cold... Scary thoughts, did you knowthat places with longer winters and shorter days seems to have a highersuscide rate? YIKES!

Hopefully this funk will pass soon, paws crossed this is a far better week.

Yup the towel chewing ha started....:?... i guess it was only a matterof time.. that and boredom.. but hey took her a couple ofweeks to get bored, and feel better...now where did i put my camera,and the back up batteries.. batteries are dead they need charging... Iknow i didn't pack them YET..

HAHA i've been printer happy printing out rabbit medical articles LOLthey abound on my desk, will have to hunt up the batteries...or waitfor thesse to charge......
Yes! I knew that longer winter stuff is worse on people. I couldn't live in alaska! lol.

I am very ready for spring! It was nice here yesterday and I loved it, but I think the other stuff was just too much!

Thanks for the well wishes. I hope she gets better. It's not good how sick she is :(

Hope you can find those batteries and camera soon! :)

How funny....she took her ball....Ijust love that. Glad to hear she is doing well.

Good luck with the house....I'm looking for one right now, I can't waitto find one, but I don't want to do the packing. LOL
Oh man! I didn't think about that!! if we like find a new place...... we have to actually..... MOVE! :shock:
Gabby wrote:
Took Daphnee to work today for her xrays, When itook her out of of her pet taxi, I noticed she had smuggled somethingwith her, her wire ball.

That's hilarious!! :D What a trooper! Give her big hugs and kisses from me. :)
Gabby wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
My sister isseriously ill in the hospital right now. It's frustrating because theycan't really find what's causing the problem. She's been in and out ofthe hosp. 3 times since the new year.

So, that with a sick kid and other stuff irritating me..... I had enough

Bo B Bunny I hope your sister gets better soon and they findout what is wrong with her, sounds like you have a lot going on thesedays. I'll be thinking of you
Thank you ariel. I am waiting to hearmore news from my mother now. I am at home with TWO sick kidsnow..... *sigh* When it rains it pours! :?