Daphne has really hard cecals!

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Daphne is still eating and drinking normally...won't touch pumpkin anymore though!:D Her poops are still not what I'd like but they are larger and she is a little more energetic this morning.

She scared the heck out of us this morning. She was standing on her hind legs looking around and suddenly popped up in to the air a little and fell over on her back on her blankie. She just laid there with her feet twitching and not moving.:shock::shock: It was like in the cowboy movies when one guy gets shot and keels over backwards suddenly.:shock:Not sideways...butt to back. Tony and I couldn't move we were in shock, we jumped and ran to the cage as she suddenly rolled over and sat up sniffing. I can't take this whole baby bunny thing...I think mine might be defective!:shock:She is def trying to kill us!;)
I couldn't help but laugh the way you described" keels over backwards ...butt to back."Pebbles some times falls backwards whenshe tries to groom her back andleans over too far. :D

Maybe things are settling down, and Daphne is getting over the stress of being moved to anew home. Give her time, and if she's eating, the poos will come.

Rainbows! :)
GingerSpice used to do this all the time too. It was hilarious and she hated me for laughing at her but I just couldn't help but laugh!


Pet_Bunny wrote:
I couldn't help but laugh the way you described" keels over backwards ...butt to back." Pebbles sometimes falls backwards when she tries togroom her back and leans over too far. :D
Runestonez wrote:
She scared the heck out of us this morning. She was standing on her hind legs looking around and suddenly popped up into the air a little and fell over on her back on her blankie.She just laid there with her feet twitching and not moving.:shock::shock: It was like in the cowboy movies when one guy gets shot and keels over backwards suddenly.:shock:Not sideways...butt to back. Tony and I couldn't move we were in shock, we jumped and ran to the cage as she suddenly rolled over and sat up sniffing. I can't take this whole baby bunny thing...I think mine might be defective!:shock:She is def trying to kill us!;)
That would've scared me too! Wow.

Glad she's doing better.:D That is awesome of you to rescue her.:hug: