Every year we let our newest bunn help us put up the Christmas tree.:biggrin2:
This year it will be Samhain...it is his first Christmas with us...so while the other bunns are locked up he will have free run while we drag it in, cut it, trim it and put it up in the stand.
It's the putting in the stand where the probelms start! For us anyway! Mom lying on the floor trying to adjust the screws on the tree stand while a small insane rabbit binkys and runs under everyones feet! lol
As long as the tree is not coloured or treated it should be fine...our kids get a kick out of munching on a few needles here and there...the first year with our lionhead girls...while we were putting the cut on the bottom of the tree...they snuck up and chewed through a one inch thick branch...we looked up in time to see them running off under the diningroom tabledragging a two foot by two foot chunk of tree behind them.
Which as chance would have it was from the top, front of the tree. So we had to try to stuffthe holewith decorations...it never did look right...but the girls were happy! :rollseyes
Most of the danger from trees is with them being coloured to look greener or so they stay green...or flame retardant etc...if none of these things are present...bunn may as well have some fun!
Keep in mind too...decorations made of chocolate, electrical wires(you'd be surprised what a nosey bunny can reach! So keep them at least 3 feet up from the bottom branches!), silver icicle tinsel is a definite no-no!, we put only plastic non-breakable decorations on the bottom of the tree! Our kids like to chew the bottom branches and when they pull them down every once in a while a decoration will topple off...which they then nudge around the floor for a while!
If it is something you wouldn't let a kid chew, play withor swallow...either don't put it on the tree...or keep it up where it can't be reached!
Common sense!
My suggestion is if you have a tree...yes the bunns can eat some needles...but keep it realistic! Moderation! We use a 24" exercise pen around the perimiter of our tree just to be safe and to keep the nosey bunns from inadvertantly opening presents! lol
Just to amuse the bunns we hang jingle bells from the lowest bottom branches...our kids like to bump them with their noses and then go careening off doing the bunny 500 when they ring! LOL :biggrin2: