Dandys gone off her pellets

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2005
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Hertfordshire, , United Kingdom
makes a change for me to have a threadspeacially about Dandy as usually its either both my bunnies or jsutDaisy as ive had so many more problems with her than with Dandy.

last night i realised that Dandy hadnt eaten much if at all so lastngiht i filled her bowl to the brim so i could tell exactly how muchshe eats. when i put her away seh dug right in so i was quite pleasedbut this evening ive realised that she could only have eaten about 5-10mouthfuls of pellets over night which isnt like Dandy she isnt a pigbut she does enjoy her food.

i have checked and she has eaten some hay not much but shes not thatkeen on it and her normal amount of veg today and yesterday.

im not overly worried yet because she is still happy in herslef and haseaten somthing but asi lsot my last bunny because of somthingwrong with the acid in his stomach and the symptons of that were lossof appetite im getting a little worred!

what do you think might have casued this?
Is she still pooping and peeing in proportion to her intake??

Does she have water? If she has a bottle make sure the water is flowingand that the fonts aren't stuck. Bunnies won't eat if they don't havewater to drink.

I would recommend giving her some Nutrical (not sure what the UK equivalent is though)


just been out to my bunnies. Dandy i am pleasedto say has finished all of her pellets over the last two nights andtonight tucked right into them!

still not sure why she stopped but am pleased that she is tucking happily into them again

any ideas of why she might have stopped are still very much welcomed!
It's good to know that she's eating normallyagain. :) Maybe she just had an off day, and didn't feel like eatingmuch ... It could be that her water bottle got jammed, and the next dayit unjammed ... Just keep an eye on her for a few days, and take her tothe vet if anything seems odd or she stops eating again. Ollie onlyoccasionally eats his pellets, and seems to think it's much more fun toplay throw the food bowl around the hutch :rollseyes

Anyway, I'm glad she's feeling better.

Rach & Ollz.
Mikoli wrote:
It's good to know that she's eating normally again. :) Maybeshe just had an off day, and didn't feel like eating much ... It couldbe that her water bottle got jammed, and the next day it unjammed ...Just keep an eye on her for a few days, and take her to the vet ifanything seems odd or she stops eating again. Ollie only occasionallyeats his pellets, and seems to think it's much more fun to play throwthe food bowl around the hutch :rollseyes

Anyway, I'm glad she's feeling better.

Rach & Ollz.

thanks for your feed back. the thing is this wasnt for just a day butshe didnt eat her pellets for about 3 nights. she was eating her freshveg as usual and some hay whcih is normal for her!

im going to keep a closer eye on her for the next few days so i justhope its all over now!

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