Dandy and I are new to this site HELLO ALL!!! :)

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Jul 19, 2012
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio, USA
I'm Corinna. I recently got Dandy(short for Dandelion) and she is my very first rabbit. I have lots of questions and lots of answers would be much appreciated! The buns I have seen on this site so far are simply divine!!!!


I'm not sure what kind of bunny Dandy is. They said she was a lionhead mix which I did sort of see that when she was a baby but now at 3 months I don't see it at all. I know the pictures are a little grainy but her underside around her eyes, nose and mouth are tan. She has a little fluff on her butt, cheeks and on her forehead. She is an absolute sweetheart!!
Hi Corinna (very pretty name), welcome to RO. Dandelion is adorable and yes she is part Lionhead.

Just curious i hope someone is always close by when Dandy is close to your doggy. Accidents can have so fast, if Dandy jumps at the doggy she/he may snap not to hurt he,r but just out of instinct.

What is tha stuff in her cage? Is it a type of bedding or litter? I would suggest you put a litter box in her cage and remove all of the bedding. Much easier to litter train them that way. Put grass mats on the bottom of the cage to give her traction.

Toys are good too. Apple branches are a favorite of mine.

Looking forward to more pictures and stories of your little beauty.

Welcome to RO :wave: What an adorable bun! And what big ears! My boy is some sort of lionhead mix too, and he has the butt poofs. During his first shed, he actually grew in a little beard! You'll learn lots from this forum :)
As far as Gunner and the rabbit. I don't let Dandy alone when she is out of her cage. I am at the computer when she is running around. Gunner is VERY docile he lets my dwarf hamsters run all over him and he plays with my cat all the time. He's never snapped at anything or anyone. But I am always careful anyhow.

As far as the litter goes. That's when I first got the rabbit and I have switched to aspen in the cage and there is a litter box. That is temporary I plan on getting an xpen with in the next week or so. I then will buy a regular size cat litter box and take the rest of the bedding out.

She has toys, twigs and a house in her cage. The first pictures I took I literally JUST got her and her cage was empty.

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