Tina, I am so sorry about yourknee!!! Do what the Dr says and stay off it as muchas possible, so you can GETWELL!!!inkpansy:inkpansy:Hugs Beckie, Trouble and Trixie
I can't thank you all enough. I'm doingpretty good all things considered. I tore one and possibly anotherligament in my right knee. I go to the orthopedist next week. I'll begetting an MRI then and see where I go from there.
I'll try and get once a day at least. I've been sitting on thecouch going bonkers wanting to get online and to the forum. Jer hasbeen awesome about checking hte forum for me and reading me differentthreads.
As bad as it hurts I will definitely not be doing anything Ishouldn't lol. They have my knee wrapped in an ace bandage and in animmobilizer. I also have two more days on the crutches.
Thank you all so much for all the good thoughts and prayers.
I hope things heal quickly for you. Knees can be realpainful! I know what you mean about going bonkers sitting onthe couch, but try to stay off of it as much as possible.
Hang in there....hope some of the things I'vetold you can ease it a lil....sure hope you can get it strengthened andnot have to go the surgery route...:shock:My leg hurts againjust thinkin about it!!!!