Daisy, Rascal, Suzi and Roscoe

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Thanks Janet. :)I'm hoping he's been eating enough thatthe doctor won't want to do a x-ray. I'll let you know after I get back from theappt.
Just got back from the vet appt. Good news.:biggrin2: Rascals is doing better so I can wean him off his medicines. The doc said everything(ears, teeth, etc...) is fine and he saidhis belly even felt better when he was feeling it. Rascal didn't tighten up whenthe docwas feeling his belly. Last time Rascal was tightening up.

So... After my Little Rascal is off all his medicines. I'm gonna introduce Veggies to Daisy and Rascal!! :)I want to make sure Rascals belly is gonna be ok before I do this. :pray: So I pray, Rascal keeps eating his pellets.
Yeah! There's the good news I wanted to hear! I have been thinking and praying for you to get good news! Way to go doc! and way to go Rascal, although you gave Mommy a bit of a scare! I am so relieved for you April. Give the little man some kisses from me and throw Daisy a couple of them too. Lol.
Janet- I'll give Rascal kisses,no problemand Daisy too, if I can catch the stinker. Lol. ;) I just got home from running errands andRascal was eating pellets. :) I can't wait to give them veggies for the first time. Gonna take pic's. :biggrin2:I'll post them when I do.
You have to learn to 'throw' the kisses at Daisy like I do Abby. I'm sure one day one will hit her. Lol. God love those feisty little females!
Rascal seems to be back to his old self again. He's eating lots of pellets again :bunnydance: So the next time I go grocery shopping, I'm gonna buy a "First Veggie"for my babies. :)So pic's will be coming soon :biggrin2:
I went grocery shopping tonight and bought my babies their first veggie- Parsley. Is parsley a veggie? Anyway... It was sooooo cute. They both didn't know what to do with it. Lol.I tried wiggling it in front of their faces. That didn't work. So I layed it in their cages. It took a few minutes for them to come up to it. Then they just smelled it. After they smell it, they walked away. Then Rascal comes back first and smells itagain, then takes a small bite. He obviously liked it, cause he chowed down after that. It was so funny. Then it was like Daisy seen him eating and she went back to her's then she starting eating her parsley.

So that was their first time eating parsley. :)Here's some Pic's.








Thank you. :)He's my snuggle bunny. He lets me hold & pet him. We got closer when he was sick. I just love him. I love Daisy too. She's justthe opposite of Rascal though.
I'm looking for a sister or brother for Daisy and Rascal. :bunnydance::bunnydance: My husband said we can have one more bunny, so I'm so happy :) We have a date to go visit a rabbit in Michigan. She's at a rescue up there.

I didn't know this til I talked to Laura in Michigan, but at one point I was suppose to adopt a bunny named Roscoe. But he was injured.Roscoe took a long time to heal and in his healing he lost a leg. So I didn't get to adopt him. But the little girl, Emmy I'm going to meet is his sister. So I get to meet Roscoe when I go up there. I'm so excited. :yahoo:He's always been in my thoughts. We wanted him so much. We were sad when we didn't get him. I am so happy I get to go see him. He is all healed up now. Laura says he is just as fast as a 4 legged bunny.

My visit to Michigan is suppose to be August 15 or 16. Either day. So, I will post if I come home with Emmy. :)
I hope nothing happens between now and then to ruin my visit to Michigan. Send good vibes my way so I can get a new bun-bun :biggrin2:
*sending not good but wonderful vibes*

Too bad Roscoe can't be adopted out... That is neat that she is his sister'. Sounds meant to be to me..

I'm probably jumping ahead of myself here but- Pre congrats on your new addition!

I'm excited for you (((April)))

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