Ugh...too much!
6:40am - 8:20am.....
Get up.

Wash face.
Take a shower.
Wake the husband up.
Get dressed.
Put make up on.
Feed kitties - who by now are driving me nuts from their constant "hungry screams".
Let dog outside to potty & get him back in.
Feed dog.
Refill hay racks for the bunnies (if they need it).
Give bunnies fresh water.
** By now have usually yelled at least 3 times at the cats & Molly (rabbit) for being terrors **
Take husband to work (only have 1 car for now).
Get home & make breakfast (bagel, peanut butter sandwhich, or waffles!).
Sit around online for a few minutes (before the emails pile up).
Do my hair (needed time to air dry!).
Leave for work (grooming shop).
8:30am - 4:00pm (or later, but not past 5:00pm)....
After 4:00pm (or a tad later)....
Pick the husband up from work & come home.
Feed kitties.
Scoop cat box.
Feed bunnies pellets (& sometimes salad - its not an every night thing).
Feed doggie.
Feed myself (husbands on this new diet as of 2 weeks ago, so he makes his own dinner).
Make sure ratties & mouse have food & water (clean their cages if its "time").
Relax online for a couple hours.
Wow...I need a vacation.