Aww, Imageshack didn't work for you? That stinks. That's what I use to do a "quick upload" for an image that I don't necessarily want laying around

It doesn't show "image not found" once the image is deleted off your computer/account, either
Either way, Photobucket is sweet, too.
I love this picture! It's like, "Hey, mom! Got any treats?"
I love Fintan's "receding
hare line". Hehe. For awhile, the gray did look like a receding hair-line! Too cute! Is it 100% gone now? In the "watch Fintan's gray fade" area, you said it was all gone. In some of the pictures, though, it looks like there is a still a wee gray spot. Are those just old pics? They're all adorable, either way! ^_^