The gas meds are liquid baby gas medicine which can be bought at a pharmacy. The primary ingredient needs to be just simethicone. You usually get a dropper in the bottle . some brands in the US are mylicon and Gas X for infants.
You need to give about 1 cc in a syringe . You place the syringe behind the rabbit's front teeth but not facing the back of the mouth
here is a description on how to medicate a rabbit
If he is still looking uncomfortable you can repeat 1 cc of simethicone every hour or so X 3 doses. You should try to get him to move around to help dispel the gas ; you can gently massage his tummy .; if he look s really uncomfortable you can heat rice in a sock in the microwave and give him something warm to snuggle with if he wishes to
You need to learn more about proper nutrition for a rabbit. The primary part of the diet should be hay. If you can get more than one type of hay the better it is. Grass,meadow,timothy ,oat, brome are all different hays available for rabbits.
Rabbits need fiber to keep their GI tracts healthy and also to wear down their teeth. their bodies were not made for carbs and sugar. You are feeding way to much pellets ,[particularly for a rabbit that age. A 5 lb rabbit should be eating about 1/4 cup pellets daily and the rest of the diet should be some green veggies and mainly hay.
carrots are like a sugary treat for a rabbit although we don't think of carrots as treats.
too many of them will alter the microorgansims in the Gi tract causing there to be a imbalance of microorganisms
once the Gi tract is dirupted it can cause a lot of problems; rabbits cannot vomit which cause some of the same problems in them as those that occur in horses
tomorrow you may want to stop at petco or petsmart and buy benebac . benebac is a combo of naturally occuring microorganisms that occur in small mammals digestive tracts. if you buy the single gel tubes you can give 1 tube to your rabbit. If you buy the powder you can place a little in a small piece of banana ( another food that should be given very sparingly) The benebac for cats and dogs is the same as for the small mammals.
You really have to think before you give your rabbit a treat. it can cause major issues if it is the wrong food or the rabbit is not used to it.
Most of the treats sold in petstores for rabbits are really a waste of money because they are bad for them. Seeds, nuts etc are really bad for rabbits .
Iwill give you some links on diet and hopefully you will go through them in time...
You need to give about 1 cc in a syringe . You place the syringe behind the rabbit's front teeth but not facing the back of the mouth
here is a description on how to medicate a rabbit
If he is still looking uncomfortable you can repeat 1 cc of simethicone every hour or so X 3 doses. You should try to get him to move around to help dispel the gas ; you can gently massage his tummy .; if he look s really uncomfortable you can heat rice in a sock in the microwave and give him something warm to snuggle with if he wishes to
You need to learn more about proper nutrition for a rabbit. The primary part of the diet should be hay. If you can get more than one type of hay the better it is. Grass,meadow,timothy ,oat, brome are all different hays available for rabbits.
Rabbits need fiber to keep their GI tracts healthy and also to wear down their teeth. their bodies were not made for carbs and sugar. You are feeding way to much pellets ,[particularly for a rabbit that age. A 5 lb rabbit should be eating about 1/4 cup pellets daily and the rest of the diet should be some green veggies and mainly hay.
carrots are like a sugary treat for a rabbit although we don't think of carrots as treats.
too many of them will alter the microorgansims in the Gi tract causing there to be a imbalance of microorganisms
once the Gi tract is dirupted it can cause a lot of problems; rabbits cannot vomit which cause some of the same problems in them as those that occur in horses
tomorrow you may want to stop at petco or petsmart and buy benebac . benebac is a combo of naturally occuring microorganisms that occur in small mammals digestive tracts. if you buy the single gel tubes you can give 1 tube to your rabbit. If you buy the powder you can place a little in a small piece of banana ( another food that should be given very sparingly) The benebac for cats and dogs is the same as for the small mammals.
You really have to think before you give your rabbit a treat. it can cause major issues if it is the wrong food or the rabbit is not used to it.
Most of the treats sold in petstores for rabbits are really a waste of money because they are bad for them. Seeds, nuts etc are really bad for rabbits .
Iwill give you some links on diet and hopefully you will go through them in time...