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FreddysMom wrote:
bunnydude wrote:
Funny youshould ask. I wonder what Devon's dad looked like, and I often think itmay have been an English spot. And Devon looks an awful lot likeFreddy. I already have the other half of the puzzle because we adoptedAmber, Devon's mom.
Does Devon have Jumbo sized ears?.....maybe he got his big ears from having a lil lop in him...
Uppity lop ears!!!! That could explain it!!!(jk;)) He could just havereeeeeeally good ear control....only lops them when you're notlookin'!:D
JimD wrote:
FreddysMom wrote:
bunnydude wrote:
Funny youshould ask. I wonder what Devon's dad looked like, and I often think itmay have been an English spot. And Devon looks an awful lot likeFreddy. I already have the other half of the puzzle because we adoptedAmber, Devon's mom.
Does Devon have Jumbo sized ears?.....maybe he got his big ears from having a lil lop in him...
Uppity lop ears!!!! That could explain it!!!(jk;)) He could just havereeeeeeally good ear control....only lops them when you're notlookin'!:D
He does have fairly large sized ears... probably cause his mom has lopears. He sometimes relaxes his ears a little bit, but usually they arealways up. Or maybe I could tape him and see if he lets them down whenI'm not looking like JimD said. I could call it The Secret Life OfMy Bunny. :shock:

bunnydude wrote:
JimD wrote:
FreddysMom wrote:
bunnydude wrote:
Funny youshould ask. I wonder what Devon's dad looked like, and I often think itmay have been an English spot. And Devon looks an awful lot likeFreddy. I already have the other half of the puzzle because we adoptedAmber, Devon's mom.
Does Devon have Jumbo sized ears?.....maybe he got his big ears from having a lil lop in him...
Uppity lop ears!!!! That could explain it!!!(jk;)) He could just havereeeeeeally good ear control....only lops them when you're notlookin'!:D
He does have fairly large sized ears... probably cause his mom has lopears. He sometimes relaxes his ears a little bit, but usually they arealways up. Or maybe I could tape him and see if he lets them down whenI'm not looking like JimD said. I could call it The Secret Life OfMy Bunny. :shock:

you could a documentary series :p.. i always catchFreddy doing wierd stuff if I leave him alone for awhile and then checkon him...and he always gives this uh-oh im caught face
FreddysMom wrote:
you could a documentary series :p.. i always catchFreddy doing wierd stuff if I leave him alone for awhile and then checkon him...and he always gives this uh-oh im caught face
:clap:Yeah, we could have everyone on this forum put their bunnies oncandid camera and put it all together into a big documentary. And thenwe could sell it to Animal Planet.

bunnydude wrote:
FreddysMom wrote:
you coulda documentary series :p.. i always catch Freddy doing wierdstuff if I leave him alone for awhile and then check on him...and healways gives this uh-oh im caught face
:clap:Yeah, we could have everyone on this forum put their bunnies oncandid camera and put it all together into a big documentary. And thenwe could sell it to Animal Planet.


I don't think I want to see what my buns do when I'm not around. Theyprobably have their own bunny society and call each other for updateson their freaky owners. :shock:
See Chippys earsare small...


Binkies ears are big....


But he links looks like Chip and Rosie but together!!


But he also kinda looks like brindle


Those ears are close to Freddy's and Loki's.Looks like they could be English Spot/Mini Lop mixes with the lop earsrecessive? It's a possibility.
bluebird wrote:
Ithink english spot.the size for fully grown rabbits says 5 to 8lbs.Many of the babies come out mismarked.I used to raise thisbreed.bluebird

They're only about 3.5-4 lbs, though.
FreddysMom wrote:
next thing was his coat. It is very soft, like down and sticks up whenyou rub it.. no fly back coat here...

I'm thinking more on the lines of a lop mix. We have spotsand I don't think Freddy is an English Spot nor an English Spot mix.

He does have a lop type roll back coat -- English Spots have flyback coats.


Here's a photo of one of our black Spot bucks. I'll try to remember to get a photo of our pretty Lilac Spot doe.

I knew Pam would help. :)

Thanks Pam! Freddy's so adorable in person. Thatlittle black circle on his nose makes him absolutely precious.

Some Lopshave amazing ear controll . itnever ceases to amaze me whenthey do that .

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