Thanks, Nepo - unfortunately I can't view the attachment pic of your bunny.
Raspberry Swirl: Aw, thanks. You can see why we couldn't pass him up atthe pet store. We tried to wait until closer to Christmas, but whenthis little guy was still there in that tiny cage 3 weeks later therewas nothing we could do but take him home. Your Sebastian is a darlingand a half...I've sure enjoyed reading all about him and his littlegirl!
Carolyn: Thank you and yes ma'am, no carpet! This is a fabulous forumand I am SO glad I was pointed to it early on in our Stanley adventure.
Mambo: Yeah, lops rule! haha They sure are cute lil buggers, aren't they?
Spiced 77: Oh, thanks for the soap advice! We got some and will be trying it out shortly.
Bo: Well, I'm a mom of teenagers so I have the "no" thing down pat
...his mommy has a much harder time disciplining him. Looks like I getto be the heavy in this scenario! And you are probably right about thatlitter box-he fits in it now, but... We did get another one for his newcage, the elongated one, so we'll see how that goes. I wonder how bighe's gonna get?
Hey, I was thinking about those clips (my kids used to wear them ontheir beltloops with various characters and such hanging fromthem)...thanks for letting me know they work.
Megan: Thanks for the welcome, and everyone here DOES seem exceptional;in the advice area, character area, etc. I'm so glad to be here.
Those clamps are a great idea. We tried holding it closed with those hair clips last night, but that wasn't such a good idea.
Bluebird: These cages are such a neat idea!
Lucy: Haha, yes I noticed! Count me in...*rolls eyes*
Elf mommy: Aw, what a SWEETIE!
Loplover: Carbenier? Showing me ignorance...
Thank you so much everyone for your help in building our new cage. Wegot it all finished last night except for flooring - using cardboardand newspaper right now - and the clasp for the door. Thankfully, Idon't think he'll need ramps as he is jumping to his levels on his own.He had a great time 'helping' us build it, excitedly taste testing allof the panels and trying to steal the cable ties that we ended uphaving to guard with our lives. Unfortunately, because he was roamingin and out of the structure while we were building, he wasn't too happyabout being locked in it at bedtime. His mommy ended up on the couchbecause he was scrabbling on the cardboard and ripping up paper at 3:30this morning.
It's huge, at least for her tiny room, so it sticks out in the middleof the floor right now until we can figure out what to rearrange or getrid of to make it fit. Hopefully I'll get some pics of it today to postlater on.
Thanks again, everyone!