are you just copying me lol!!! thanks to both ofyou and tinysmom thank you again for helping, from what anna and lozhave said that is the exact same situation of mine a french escapedwith a dwarf how scary is that!!! so its 31 days tom so maybe i reallywill get babies after all... she has been lying down a lot recently insituations when she would normally be running about yay i really havemy hopes up again now but i'm greedy i want more than 2!:bunnydance:
I was very shocked when gracie (my rew frenchie)only had 2!!! But just cuz grace did doesnt mean your doe will, she mayhave 1 or she may have 10, lol! Frenchies can have upto 18 (probablymore) but because she wasnt breed to a french lop she was breed with asmaller buck, she probably wont have as many!
well i've been planning for about 12, forhutches etc as i am keeping all the babies, but i'm not convinced sheis going to have any i'm trying not to get my hopes up! but it doessound good! i'm all prepared anyway
Hiya, i said people might get confused! LOL!This is lornas username/account, but im at Annas house at the moment,so we are both posting!
Crystal is ok bubs!! Im really annoyed, lol, i was hoping shewould of had them today! I spose she could hold on a bit longer! I wassooo sure she was pregnant!
hey guys any updates? i hope she has had somelovely babies for you although i beat you to it don't knowif u read my new post or not but i have had 6 healthy babies, i hopeall goes as well with crystal as it has with mine!
pretty good thanks i've had a stressful 3 daysthough a couple were not getting as much as they should so i was reallyupset but the runt which was really small currently has the fullestbelly and is nearly as big as the rest now so i think they will allsurvive so thanks for asking! i have tried to post pics but it saysthey are too big even though they aren't! have u ever lost kits whenthey were being weaned because they couldn't digest the solid foodproperly? i'm just worrying so much i've barely slept!!!