Crazy Clown Calbert

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2bunmom wrote:
Carolyn, the pictures of Calbert and Missy are so cute. :D? Whatcolor lipstick did she "borrow" form your make-up case? ;)???Beckie

Sorry, I didn't get back to you sooner, Beckie. I missed the question.

Missy took the Sugar Plum Ice stick.

Ya know what the worst part is?

It's working better for her than it is for me! :X

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Will continue to tune-in.

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Raspberry Swirl,

Laughed out Loud when I read your reply.


Crazy Clown Calbert's Fan Club

dajeti2's son's favorite rabbit: Calbert.

Liam's favorite rabbit: Calbert.

dajeti2 said, and I quote, "I simply adore his personality. Never a dull moment with him around."

I love Calbert too! He's so similar in looks toSpice and full of personality! If I could have all the rabbits I want,my house would be over run withthem! :shock:
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
I love Calbert too! He's so similar in looks to Spice and fullof personality! If I could have all the rabbits I want, my house wouldbe over run with?them! :shock:

You've always had a Special Love for Calbert. :dude:

I can definitely attest to that.

As I mentioned earlier, Calbert gets a wee bittoo amorous when confined in a cage with the glamorous, "nobby headed"Missy, so we've yet to leave them in a cage alone over night.They do fine in the more spacious outside hutch I'verefurbished for them, and hand a wonderful day, today, free ranging inthe back yard. As I type, everybun is stretched out inhis/her respective cage after such an active day.

This evening, after catching Calbert with a net 'cause he's a "bullet"and won't be had,theMissusheld him awhile on the front porch. Her reward was Calbert's first everkisses!

Missy, on the other hand, calmly walked in the house and parked on therug when she was through with the free ranging. This morningI was rewarded with some kisses after I weighed her, cut her nails, andwas brushing her. Did she ever like that, theporker! She's now 7lbs 8oz, the largest rabbit we've everowned.

Both are getting ready to visit Tucker Town at the end of theweek. Said there would be no shenannigans upon their part,but that they were worried about Tucker and Fauna being abducted bysome "perps!" Wonder where they got that idea?



Calbert looks like Spice, but he's Mocha inside.

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Calbert KISSED the Missus?? :shock:

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I beg your pardon, Mr. Buck Jones, but Missy is not a porker! :X

She's Fluffy. :)


TUCKER TOWN is Ready for a Reunion.

Bring it on!

I received your private message, Thank you, Laura!

You're a treasure.

Yeah, what Carolynsaid! She's fluffy, very, very fluffy! And don't go tryingto use that "big boned girl" line either! She's a BBB...BigBeautifulBunny!
That BBB is definitely a big star!

Check it out:


P.S.- I just added more eCards to my site for anyone who's interested!
*RaspberrypokesMyBunnyBoys* "Laura.....I think Buck has you all figuredout.....I'm not trying to start a fuss or anything, and don't tell himI told you, but I think you're the perp he's talkingabout."
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
That BBB is definitely a big star!

Check it out:


P.S.- I just added more eCards to my site for anyone who's interested!

I'll be checking it out, thanks, Laura!

This is beautifully done. It's very easy on the eye.

Lord knows that Missy's all about Independence, too!


:shock:I didn't even see that part ofhis post. :shock:And I'll have you know, this 'perp' willonly take Fauna because Fauna loves me! :DAs for Tucker, hemight get jealous of my boys keeping their eyes on her, so he can staywith Carolyn! That pissed off look that Fauna had in that picture, yeahthat's because Carolyn wont let her come to mommy #2's house (mine)! :X

She is pretty bitter and can't understand why she can't go to Canada to see her favorite aunt//Mommy #2.


Carolyn wrote:
Sheis pretty bitter and can't understand why she can't go to Canada to seeher favorite aunt//Mommy #2.



:shock:Better not tell BunnyMommy that she's not mommy #2 to a rabbit for once! She may be disappointed in Fauna! lol.
For those who might have a passing interest inthe Missy/Calbert romance and bonding process, I am happy to announceCalbert spent the night at Missy's place with just some minor sexual"worrying" of Missy. By and large, the night was spentpeacefully snuggled against one another.

They are a pair, officially!



Word on The Street in Tucker Town is that Calbert took a hit and got a bloody nose.


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